Dates - coming up...


1st - 2nd - Year 6 - Bike Ed Practical Session 

2nd - Year 2 PJ Party

3rd - Year 2 PJ Party

3rd - Year 6 Bike Ed On Road Test

2nd - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

6th - Student Free Day

7th - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

10th - 2024 Foundation Transition

16th - Year 5/6 Social

20th - 23rd - Year 5/6 Swimming Program

17th - 29th - Year 5/6 Swimming Program

24th - Casual Clothes Day (gold coin donation)

29th - 30th - Book Fair

30th - 2024 Foundation Meet the Teacher







1st - Year 5/6 Lacrosse Vic Primary State


4th - Year 4 Author Visit

5th - 2024 Foundation Meet the Teacher

6th - Parent Teacher Conferences

7th - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

7th - Year 1 End of Year Excursion

8th - Year 6 Bike Hike

12th - Step Up Day

12th - Year 6 Government School Year 7

             Orientation Day

13th - Foundation End of Year Excursion

13th - Year 1 Polar Express Day

13th - Year 2 End of Year Excursion

13th - Year 4 End of Year Excursion

14th - Year 6 Graduation

15th - Foundation & Year 6 Buddy Lunch

15th - Year 5 End of Year Excursion

18th - Christmas Performance Assembly

19th - Year 6 Graduation Lunch

19th - Final Day of Term 4 - 3.30pm dismissal