By 3E and Ms Shveta Mahajan
By 3E and Ms Shveta Mahajan
3E are focusing on procedural writing this term. To start off, we enjoyed connecting procedures to real-world situations! We also found that many procedures are created for different audiences. Even some of the non-fiction books in our classroom have procedures in them!
We were then introduced to Tiered Language to connect our language to the audience. Using our Reading-writing skills, we realised that procedures have verbs in them. We decided that it must have some precise verbs better than basic verbs. Ms Mahajan was impressed! She explained that using precise verbs helps us create a strong mental picture, and clear instructions for the action and avoid wordiness. Ms Mahajan first wrote a procedure about her favourite food, ‘How to make a fruit salad’! She then used precise verbs to edit her basic verbs to avoid repetitions. Ms Mahajan edited “Mix with Combine, Cut with Dice!”. Then we had a go writing our own procedures with precise verbs.
Ms Mahajan explained that procedural writing can be enhanced using different graphic features. For example, Ikea furniture uses a lot of diagrams and illustrations in the procedures. Even assembling a Billy Cart Racer has graphic features to help us better understand how to do something! We enjoyed learning about procedural writing! They are really fun to read and write!
By 3E and Ms Mahajan