Student Assembly Awards

Courage - Harmony  - Integrity

Week 1 Assembly Awards






1 AsherHarmonyhelping class members complete their work and supporting them to feel welcomed at school.
1DaisyIntegrityalways completing her work to a high standard
3MatildaHarmonyalways helping others and consistently demonstrating our school values.
3GeoffreyCouragehaving a successful first week at MPS and making new friends
4MasonIntegrityTrying very hard to avoid distractions and being in control of your emotions.
4Patrick Harmonyworking collaboratively with your peers. You are inclusive of all both in the classroom and out in the school yard
6LailaHarmonyoffering your friendship, kindness and help to peers when you see they need a helping hand and aren't feeling their best
6Aiden CIntegritybeing an exceptional helper this week for visiting teachers, particularly in science lessons.



Harmonyselflessly helping other students, you are a fantastic role model helping yourself and others to achieve success! Well done!.
7DylanIntegritymaking strong choices to stretch his learning, you have been challenging yourself more and more! Keep it up! 
10NinaIntegritybeing extremely helpful in class and leading by example in her approach to learning
10IndiaCourageteaching the class about angles and explaining her learning process when solving problems 
11Sarah Integrityhelping Miss Menner set up for the transition visit.
11Sam H Harmonyalways helping collect the flags and remove the pole covers. 
We pursue our personal best – no matter who we work with. We have reasons for the things we say and do. We have great sense and are sensible. We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.