Year 12 Friendship Photos

As part of the School Photos Day, Year 12 students are being given the opportunity to get photos taken with their friendship groups. If you would like to arrange a friendship group photo, you must collect a photo form from reception. Please ensure you take one photo form per photograph. Please note, a maximum of seven students are permitted for each friendship photo. 


Extended Periods of Absence in Secondary School

Parents are encouraged, wherever possible, to ensure family holidays occur during the school holiday breaks. Where this is not possible, we ask families ensure the length of time students are absent from school is minimised. Teaching staff are not able to provide students with learning materials for family holidays. Families who take holidays during the school term are responsible for ensuring continuity of learning for their children. Students in VCE must obtain a minimum of 85 per cent attendance in all of their VCE classes to meet VCAA attendance requirements. Students whose attendance rate drops below this minimum are at high risk of not meeting learning outcomes and may receive a "Not Satisfactory" for their VCE units.  If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the school as soon as possible. 

Leadership Breakfast

St Anne’s College leadership staff and students came together last week for a special breakfast. The breakfast was a chance to build relationships, acknowledge and congratulate the leaders for 2025.


We look forward to seeing what the year has in store for our 2025 House and College Captains as they take on the role. We know you will be incredible representatives of St Anne’s College.

Year 12 Retreat

Last week the Year 12 students headed on their Retreat which took place at a picturesque lodge in Healesville. Students spent time stopping, reflecting and focusing on what they want from Year 12. The program allowed students to reconnect with their hopes and dreams for the future. Students explored identity, faith, support systems and the connection they have with family and friends. 

Year 7 Religious Education

Students in Year 7 R.E were tasked with writing about St Anne's College. Students Shyanne and Dilshaan were proud of their efforts and wanted to share their write-ups with the St Anne's College community. Great work Shyanne and Dilshaan!

Elevate Parent Webinar: How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time

Wednesday 26 February 6:30-7:30pm (AEDT)

Click here to register for free


Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:

  • Align expectations on homework with your child  
  • Help your child balance their schoolwork and social life  
  • Set up a weekly planner tool with your child


Students are expected to wear their full academic uniform, unless they have a practical PE class scheduled. While the vast majority of our students are presenting each day in the correct uniform, we do have a few students that we are still working with to ensure they are in uniform. By the end of Week 3 we expect all students to have and wear the correct uniform. If issues with the uniform are not resolved by this time, consequences will apply. 


VET Sport, Recreation and Aquatics will be required to wear PE uniform each Wednesday, Year 10 Sports Coaching students require their PE uniform on Monday and Thursday each week, VCE PE students in Units 1 and 3 are required to wear their PE uniform each Friday. There may be additional days that the PE uniform is required for VCE PE students and these days will be communicated to students via Google Classroom. PE days for Year 7, 8 and 9 will be confirmed via PAM ASAP. 


A reminder that blazers are compulsory for students in Year 10-12. While students are not expected to wear their blazers while the weather is warm, they will require a blazer for school photos on Thursday 27 February. Please ensure you have purchased a blazer before this date. 


Booklist - Years 10-12

Families of students in Years 10-12 are asked to ensure their child has all of the resources identified on the booklist, to ensure they can successfully engage in their studies. The booklist and “how-to-order” guide along with Leader's letter are attached below. Families are also expected to pay the Jacaranda digital library levy via Campion and Edrolo through the payment portal linked to student accounts. Please contact Sarah Baglin on if you have any queries about resources. Payment of these resources is not optional and families will be billed if they are not paid by the due date.  




Please be reminded that all students are required to have a combination lock on their lockers. This is part of the ICT agreement that has been signed by all parents and students. If your student does not have a lock they can purchase a new one - please see Mardie in reception to do so.


Mobile phones & AirPods

A mobile phone policy was sent by the Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst, Ms Kate Fogarty to all families of Catholic Schools in the Diocese.  This policy is based on research and what is deemed to be best for school aged students to enhance their learning opportunities while at school.  All mobile devices and AirPods are to be stored in locked lockers for the duration of the school day.  If a teacher directs students to use a device as part of their learning program this use would be allowed for this lesson and purpose only.