The Learning Zone

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress,

and working together is success." - Henry Ford

NAPLAN Information: Year 3 and Year 5

Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


NAPLAN 2025 will take place from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March


NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. 


In preparation for NAPLAN, our school will undertake activities to help students become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. 


The public demonstration site is available to see the types of questions, tools and functions used in the NAPLAN tests.


Further information about NAPLAN for parents and carers is available on the NESA website and also by clicking the link below:


School Speak 101 - Free Parent Webinar

The Council of Catholic School Parents is presenting a free webinar called 'School Speak 101: Learn the language of school'.


Ever wondered what the difference is between 'curriculum' and 'syllabus'? Do you know what a 'stage' is? What do teachers mean when they talk about 'scope and sequence' or 'summative assessment'? 


Mary Ryan, Head of Professional Learning at Catholic Schools NSW, will be running two 30-minutes - choose from attending the day or evening session - on 25 and 26 February. Mary will give you the lowdown on 'schoolspeak' and talk through what's different about the new K-12 curriculum, with a chance to ask her questions at the end.


Clink either link below to register:


Tuesday 25 February 2025 - 12.30pm – 1pm 


Wednesday 26 February 2025 - 7.30pm – 8pm

Armidale Diocesan Mathematics Initiative (MaST)

Maths At Home:

Kindergarten - Forming Groups: Patterns

Kindergarten are working with Patterns. 

  • identifying and discussing patterns in and around your home such as lounge or bed linen material colours or shapes. For example, blue square – yellow circle, blue square – yellow circle, blue square – yellow circle
  • Gather collections of small items to make patterns (e.g., buttons and coins; spoons of two sizes; crayons and markers). Take turns arranging the
  • objects in a pattern for the other to describe and tell what comes next. For example: coin, coin, button, ...; big spoon, small spoon, ...; crayon, marker, marker…)


Stage 1 - Whole Number

Stage 1 will be working with Whole Numbers. 


Stage 2 - Numbers using Place Value

Stage 2 are moving onto Representing Numbers with Place Value. 


Stage 3 - Representing Whole Numbers

This week Stage 3 will commence work on Whole Numbers. 


Have a great week of learning and fun.


Maree Holland & Greg O'Toole