General Information

Our new date for the P&F BBQ is this Thursday, 20th February- we are looking forward to seeing all of our families there!
Open Day
We are holding an Open Day on Saturday 15th March between 9am and 11am. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of what St Joseph's has to offer and how we support the education of the children in our care.
School Hours - Supervision & Attendance
A reminder that school commences at 8:45am and ends at 2:50pm. Supervision in the morning is from 8:15am, please do not arrive before this time.
If your child arrives at school after 8:45am, a parent/carer will need to sign the student in at the front office. The Crown St gate is locked for security reasons at 8:45am.
Students can be dropped off in the mornings at the Denison St entrance or the Crown St church gate entrance. Only the Crown St church gate is to be used for afternoon pick ups please.
Esteem Kids
If you require the services of after school care please contact William Wong directly at or 0410 841 628. If your child has a change of plans and will not be attending after school on a particular day please let William know.
2025 School Fees
School fees have now been issued. Payments can be made via BPay - details are available on your statement, Eftpos is also available at the school.
Any family/carer requiring assistance with school fees is encouraged to make an appointment and come and meet with us as soon as possible.
Please contact Jodie via email or by phoning 6765 4079 if you have any questions regarding your fees.
Thank you for your continued support of St Joseph's.
Clothing Pool Opening Hours
Just a reminder that the clothing pool is open Monday to Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm for second hand uniform items. These items are $5.00 each and can be paid by Eftpos.
Change in Routine
Can you please advise the school office before 2:30pm if there is any change in your child's afternoon routine.
Meeting With Teachers
Mornings and afternoons are very busy times for teachers as they are preparing for the day ahead and planning with their co-teachers, which unfortunately means that they are often unable to make time for a meeting without notice. For that reason, if you need to discuss anything with your child's teacher, please contact the school office to schedule an appointment. This will ensure you have the full attention of the teachers and the time necessary. Alternatively, an email can be sent to and will be forwarded onto the class teacher.