Principals' Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are thrilled to share that the 2025 school year has had a fantastic start! During our classroom visits over the past fortnight, we’ve been so proud to see how quickly the students have settled into their routines and how engaged they are in their learning. Their focus, cooperation, and positive attitudes deserve to be recognised as they begin the year on such a strong note. Thank you to our dedicated staff for their hard work and preparation in creating warm, welcoming spaces that have supported a smooth return to school after the holiday break. We are all excited to kick off the year with a focus on creating engaging learning environments and setting high expectations for both teaching and learning.


On Friday, February 7th, 26 of our families celebrated a momentous occasion as their child embarked on their school journey in Kindergarten. It was wonderful to see the students looking so smart in their new uniforms, with bright smiles, and beaming with excitement. Thank you to Kylie Dewhurst for organising a beautiful morning tea in the hall to welcome our Kindergarten parents on this special occasion. It was great to have members of our P&F in attendance to share a cuppa with our new families.


Once again, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new and returning students at St Joseph’s, we look forward to a year filled with learning and growth and are excited for all that 2025 will bring. 

P & F Association

The P&F plays an important role in building community by organising social events and supporting the school through fundraising activities. We encourage everyone to become involved in the P&F Association. On Tuesday 11th February, the Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Association was held. We have a wonderful committee so we encourage our parent body to come along and support our marvellous P&F this year. Thank you to the following parents who have undertaken roles on the Executive for 2025:

  • President: Karina Falkenmire 
  • Vice-President: Lizzy Newberry
  • Secretary: Ayla Hemmings
  • Treasurer: Rochelle Cashen

Next P&F Meeting: Term 2 - Tuesday 6th May, 2025

Enrolling Now for Kindergarten 2026

Our enrolment period for Kindergarten 2026 is now open! Please visit for enrolment details or contact the office on 6765 4079 for further information.  Enrolment applications must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents as listed on the cover page of the application form. Applications close on Tuesday 8th April. If you know anyone who has a child wishing to start Kindergarten at St Joseph's next year, please share this information with them.

Kindergarten Best Start Interviews

Best Start Interviews were held with each Kindergarten student before starting school. The purpose of these interviews was to provide teachers with information regarding the literacy and numeracy skills of each student on entry to Kindergarten.  While it is not expected that Kindergarten students start school demonstrating all skills assessed during Best Start, it is important for teachers to know where students are in order to inform teaching and learning programs. 


Kindergarten teachers Miss Eliza Bucknell and Miss Phoebe George will conduct the Best Start parent meetings with Kindergarten parents this Friday 21st February.  At these meetings, parents will receive a summary of the literacy and numeracy skills that their child demonstrated during the interview, as well as feedback on ways they can support learning at home.

Years 1-6 'Meet & Greet'

This week our 'Meet and Greet' conferences begin with Stage 2 on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, followed by Stage 1 and Stage 3 next Monday and Tuesday.  The meetings provide a fantastic opportunity for students to discuss and reflect on their learning goals for the coming year with their teachers and parents. 


Teachers are looking forward to the ‘Meet and Greet’ afternoons and thank you for your on-going support as they work to provide quality educational opportunities for your children.



May God bless you and your family.


Maree Holland & Greg O'Toole




St Joseph's School - a Faith Filled Community Where Learning Matters