Office News

School Fees 2025

St Agatha's Primary - Cranbourne 
Fees 2025 
School fees (per family) $        1,765.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 6 $            300.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 5 $            300.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 4 $            230.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 3 $            230.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 2 $            230.00 
Curriculum Levy - Yr 1 $            230.00 
Curriculum Levy - Foundation $            230.00 
Swimming - Gr F $            105.00
Swimming - Gr 1-2 $            105.00
Swimming - Yr 3-4 $               55.00
Swimming - Yr 5-6 $               55.00
Camp - Yr 5 $            390.00 
Camp - Yr 6 $            450.00 
My Reading Records Yr F - 2 $                5.50 
Technology Levy (per family) $              55.00 
Building Levy (per family) $            245.00 
Term 1 due: 


Term 2 due: 


Term 3 due:   


Term 4 due: 


(If paying by term divide the bill by 4 equal parts)




If your family is on a concession/health card please let the office know as your fees will be greatly reduced.


We encourage all families to set up a direct debit to pay school fees. Direct debit can be set up fortnightly or monthly. 


If your family is experiencing financial hardship, please make an appointment at the office to speak to the Principal - Michelle or Business Manager - Janine.

Medical Plans and Contact Details on PAM

Please ensure that all student's current Medical Plans (Asthma, Analyphaxis etc..) are uploaded onto PAM.  


Any updates to your contact details (including emergency contacts) please email 

Enrolments for 2026 are now Open

Term 1 Open Day Tours. 

See the website for details and to book in for one of our tours led by a Student Leader and the Principal or Deputy Principal.

  • March 6
  • March 11
  • March 27
  • March 29

If you know someone who will be starting Foundation 2026, please tell them about our upcoming Open Days.   


Please contact Natalie at the school office for further information.





Seasons for Growth Program - Expression of Interest

The SEASONS for Growth program will be running again this year in 2025, if you are interested in your child participating in this program please follow this link to our Seasons for Growth expressions of interest form and fill it out. 


The Wellbeing Officer, Jessie Baldwin will contact you to discuss your child's eligibility and provide consent forms.


Seasons for Growth is an evidence-based change, loss and grief program for year levels 1 and above, that uses the imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of change.


Canteen News

Canteen will run on Wednesdays and Fridays. To order a lunch order parents are required to use the app CDFpay. Instructions on the  attachment.  


Orders are to be submitted via CDFPAY (No Cash) by 9.15am on Wednesdays and Fridays


Please consider volunteering in the canteen. Our canteen manager Carolyn would appreciate any assistance on Wednesdays and/or Fridays. 


For assistance with CDFpay app or if you are considering volunteering in the canteen please speak to the office staff or phone 59962724.



Volunteer Induction

At St Agatha’s, volunteers can assist with a variety of roles that can enhance student learning, build community bonds and assist with special occasions in the life of the school, such as Mother’s and Father’s day stalls and  Athletics Carnivals etc.


In order to ensure that all volunteers understand their role and their responsibilities it is important that they are inducted effectively.

The induction process involves:

  • The volunteer providing a copy of an up to date Working With Children Check
  • Having the OHS and emergency evacuation procedures explained in detail
  • Reading the St Agatha’s Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  • Reading and signing the St Agatha’s Code of Conduct 
  • Learning about some important general conditions related to volunteering at St Agatha’s
  • Participating in a detailed sight tour


If you would like to volunteer in any capacity at St Agatha’s in 2025, and you have not already been through the induction process in 2024 and have a current Working With Children Card, please come along to the one session for this term on Thursday 13 February at 3.45pm. Location: School Office.  Please advise the School Office if you are able to attend the session.  


Book Club News



School Photos