Principal's News

Welcome to a New School Year at St Agatha’s!
Dear St Agatha’s Community,
The school year is off to a fantastic start at St Agatha’s, and we are delighted to welcome all our students and families back for another exciting year of learning and growth. A special welcome to our newest teachers, Miss Ashley Beley, who has joined our Year 5 team, and Miss Melissa Moore, who is teaching Year 1. We are thrilled to have them as part of our school community and look forward to the wonderful learning experiences they will bring to their students.
We also extend a warm welcome to our Foundation students, who have begun their school journey with enthusiasm and excitement! It has been heartwarming to see them settling into their new routines, making new friends, and embracing their learning with big smiles.
Throughout the school, students have been demonstrating our core expectations of being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe as part of our whole-school approach to Positive Behaviour Supports. It is wonderful to see how quickly they have embraced these expectations, helping to create a welcoming and positive environment for everyone.
Building Project Update
Our building project is progressing well, and we appreciate the patience and support of our families as construction continues. We understand that the limited car spaces have been a challenge, and we sincerely thank parents for their cooperation during this time.
Please remember to be safe in around the school when driving. It is important to only park in designated car parks and to drive at a walking pace. It only takes a second for a tragic accident to occur.
The exciting news is that the building will be complete at the end of Term 1, and we look forward to the fantastic new facilities that will enhance our school community.
Celebrating Saint Agatha’s Feast Day
Our school year began with a special celebration – our St Agatha’s Feast Day Mass, which was also our Beginning of the Year Mass. Our student leaders were presented with their leadership badges at this Mass. It was a beautiful way to come together as a school community, reflecting on the life of Saint Agatha and seeking her guidance for the year ahead.
Saint Agatha is a shining example of Courage, Faith, and Love, which are the values at the heart of our school motto. Despite facing great challenges, she remained strong in her faith and showed immense courage in standing up for what she believed in. Just like Saint Agatha, we are encouraged to be brave in our learning, to trust in God, and to show kindness and love to those around us.
As we journey through this school year, let us be inspired by Saint Agatha’s strength and commitment to her faith. May we continue to show courage in our learning, faith in our hearts, and love in our actions each day.
Prayer to Saint Agatha
O glorious Saint Agatha,you remained faithful to Christ even in the face of great suffering.
With courage and love, you embraced your trials,trusting in God's strength and mercy.
Intercede for us, dear Saint Agatha, that we may grow in courage, faith, and love, following your example of unwavering devotion.
Help us to stand firm in our beliefs,to love others with a pure heart,and to trust in God’s plan for our lives.
We ask for your prayers and protection,especially for those who suffer in body and spirit.
May we, like you, remain steadfast in faith, always seeking God’s will in all that we do.
Through Christ our Lord.
Welcome back, and let’s have a great year at St Agatha’s!
Yours in Faith,
Michelle Bruitzman