SRC and Student News

Mrs Antonella      Wellbeing Leader


The Ignatian Award

Each week at our Monday morning gathering, a student is awarded The Ignatian award

 by Mr Rodrigues for demonstrating one or all of our school values:   

                           Community  Excellence and Respect


Congratulations to  Lily in Prep AD for being a caring and kind member of our classroom, 

by comforting her friends when they were upset.  Well done Lily!


Class Awards      Week 3     Term 1                         

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning, collaboration and initiative as well as  resilience, and kindness in their classroom this week. 

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep SC 



Denzel Being incredibly friendly to his classmates and putting in extra effort to show his best behaviour during learning time.

Prep AD




Being a wonderful self manager and taking care of our classroom resources. 

1 / 2 EA



Samayra for her shining smile and resilience when things get tough

1/2  DG



Sophie For your wonderful effort in your work and for keeping our class tidy without being asked. 

1/2 KT




For being hardworking and putting her best effort into everything she does. Well done Maya!


1/2 KTJames For using his listening skills and being kind to his new classmates.

3/4 TR




For being a helpful responsible class member and for taking pride in the presentation of her homework.


3/4  ZC




For participating so well in each subject and for his kind manners towards his classmates 


3/4 VA




For her enthusiastic participation in class and working hard in all subjects.


5/6 FA


Sophie For being voted house leader of 5/6 FA  for Semester 1. Well done Sophie


5/6 BOC





Thank you Georgia for always asking insightful questions. We love your enthusiasm for learning!


5/6 JJAbuk Abuk, your contribution to class discussion has been outstanding, you listen attentively and make connections with your prior learning. Keep up the amazing work.

Visual Arts - 

Ms Denise



Daniel  1/2KT

For having a great start to visual arts and drawing a fantastic self portrait. 


Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton





For being an example to his peers by showing active listening, respectfully sharing his ideas, and performing with a positive attitude.


Mrs Mcleary




Prep AD

For being a kind and caring classmate by looking after someone who fell in PE.

Mandarin- Mr Su




3/4 VA

For being a role model showing very good listening during the lesson, and great focus on completing the learning task. 


Ms Jai



Your enthusiasm and knowledge about animals has been outstanding. Thank you for your detailed drawing of plankton. 



Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term 1  Week 4

Present:   Evie Lily Maple Isabel  AJ  Daniel  Eilidh 

Tsnu Thomas Akur Humphrey Tie Anthony Sophie     

Lucas Olivia Clem 

Date: Monday 17 Feb 2025 

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


Class Leaders to remind their class about:

  • HATS - must be worn everyday outside
  • Rubbish in the yard - put your rubbish in the bin!
  • Listening to the music - it is  a 5 minute reminder before the bell- stop playing, go to the bathroom, get a drink, collect your things and line up
  • ICY POLES are only sold on Tuesday at snack  $1

On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AD - 8 learning sounds are fun with Milo monkey

Prep SC - 8 science, and letters to make words

1/2 EA - 7 writing recounts about the weekend

1/2 DG -  7  collecting information about our favourite things

1/2 KT - 7 sounds, vowels  and recounts

3/4 TR - 8 literacy, learning about similes and compound words

3/4 ZC - 7 everyone is trying their best in maths

3/4 VA - 7 maths number bonds and inquiry

5/6 BOC - 9 we are finishing all our work

5/6 FA - 8 persuasive writing

5/6 JJ- 8 reading and writing


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AD - 7 we cheer each other up

Prep SC - 6 we need to follow instructions

1/2 EA 7 we can improve in keeping our room tidy

1/2 DG 7 helping each other with our writing and drawing

1/2 KT 7 we put our hand up when we speak in class

3/4 TR - 7 improve to tidy up the classroom 

3/4 ZC - 7 partner work should be quiet 

3/4 VA - 7 group learning in maths needs to be fair 

5/6 BOC -  9 we are all co operating

5/6 FA -  9 working well together

5/6 JJ - 8 using our manners and showing respect to everyone 


Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • Mini Vinnies Team 2025 announced and badges presented on Monday 
  • District Swimming for selected students 
  • Family welcome night on Thursday 5.30-7.30
  • FITCLUB on Thursday 
  • CERES student leadership summit with Ms Belinda on Tuesday
  • Xavier student Community service with Year 1/2

What can we improve

 on this week:

   Class                      Actions

Returning sports equipment borrowed from the sport shed


House Leaders

It is your responsibility to return the equipment when you have finished playing or  the bell rings

House Leaders should not need to chase up students

ONLY the House Leaders on duty should be in the sports shed and NO ONE should be inside the MPR

Using our manners when we speak to each other and the teachersseniors


RESPECT everyone 

Reminders about the

Quiet area

Eating area


Play quiet games in the quiet area


NO eating past the library

Eat only in the quiet area


Chewing gum at schoolseniorsNo gum is allowed at school


Suggestions from the SRC

  • Can we eat inside at snack- this would help with the rubbish left outside on the yard at snack

Safety issues from the SRC

  • Blocks are to be packed up neatly every day in the black tubs
  • Giant Chess and checkers outside need to be kept in the big tubs near the church



This week our Monday morning assembly we announced our Mini Vinnie Team for 2025 and the students were presented with their badges.

Congratulations to Olivia, Eilidh, Tsnu, Dirk, Abby, Esther, Lenora and Lucas from Year 4.

The students made a commitment to continue the ''good works'' of the St Vincent de Paul Society by reading a pledge and prayer at assembly.

Their first initiative will be to lead The Caritas Australia "Project Compassion'' during Lent.

This will be launched on Ash Wednesday, 5th March.



Students in Years 3-6 in have reviewed and discussed the safe use device policy (ICT) 

and online safety as part of their learning.

It is really important to have these conversations regularly at home as students

navigate the online world for study, games, applications and social interactions. 


The theme for 2025 from the eSafety Comissioner is Connect. Reflect. Protect yourself when online. Consider the following tips to help protect yourself and your devices when online.

Connect safely by keeping apps and devices secure and reviewing your privacy settings regularly. 

Reflect on how your actions online may affect others or your safety.

Protect your information and ensure that you have parental supervision and locks on your devices.

This is vital as we need to monitor our own use and our children's use of technology in today's society. 

In the link below you will find two webinars focusing firstly on discussing actionable strategies for parents and caregivers to navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively. 

The second webinar in this series focuses on screen time, the use of video games, and social media in relation to children's wellbeing.


If at any time you would like to chat about Student Wellbeing at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself.


Antonella Tsakmakis 

Wellbeing Leader