PE & Sport

Ms McLeary

Newsletter - Term 1 - week 3 PE/Sport


Term 1 PE lessons are well under way and we have been experiencing some really hot weather. We do have access to the MPR but this space is pretty small to play games. Therefore most PE Lessons will take place outside which means students need to be prepared for all conditions. They will need a full PE uniform, hat, water bottle (maybe with some ice!) and sunscreen;

Thursdays = Yr 3-6

Fridays = Prep-Yr2


District Swim Trial

A group of Yr 3-6 students have been selected to compete in the inter school District Swim Trials next Wednesday 19th Feb at the Richmond Rec. Good luck to all the swimmers involved.

If there are any parents who can come along and help at the event please email me;


FIT Club

Thursdays 7.40am

FIT Club is back this term. Trinity Fit Club is a Free Before School activity open to all Trinity students every Thursday at 7.40am on the Oval or in the MPR if the weather is bad. The children will take part in a range of fun activities to get them moving. Senior students from St Kevins College will join us most weeks to run some sport or exercises to help get the students ready for learning. Please come along and join us!



Richmond Skippers Netball Club

You have probably noticed a keen group of Netballers practising before school on a Friday morning. This is a local netball team run by local parents Cecelia and Kate. The teams are always looking for new players in Yrs 3-6, so if your daughter is interested please come and get more information from me or email the team;


Rachel McLeary

PE Teacher