Principal's News

Dear Familes and Friends,

We have had another busy and fruitful week at Trinity, where not only have we achieved all that is planned for, but where so many other things, often unexpected, pop up and challenge us to think on our feet. To get through each challenge in the best and most positive way possible we need to be resilient and flexible. Last week we had to make the unfortunate decision to postpone our Multicultural Family Welcome Night which meant re arranging our calendar, shifting things around and ensuring all is ready for tonight's 2nd attempt which I am sure will prove to be a very memorable occassion for all of us. 

Whilst, of course, our school is first and foremost here to provide an education for each of our children it is also as importantly a place which can provide a community for each of us to feel a sense of belonging and pride. Nights like tonight really do allow us to build important relationships with others, some which can last a lifetime, and which can have a really positive impact on our lives. 


Building Update

We have now had several meetings with our architects, which have also included a meeting with a group of students who shared their ideas and thoughts about what would make a great learning space and also our staff who were able to view our initial plans and contribute their own ideas prior to finalizing plans.  It is exciting to be working with our architects and to be exploring what might be possible for this first stage of our building project. 


Some initial Plans



This week our Trinity Clubs Program began with a number of clubs now running during our lunch and snack breaks. After feedback from our students and volunteering from a number of staff we are now running a great range of activities for our children. 


Prep Testing

Over the past few Wednesdays, and for the remainder of February, our prep teachers have been meeting with their prep students for some one on one assement and testing. These meetings have been extremely beneficial for teachers in getting to know the individuial learning needs of each child. Thank you to all our prep parents for enabling these sessions to take place. We look forward to our first fulll week for ouir preps in March. 


School Photos

It's nearly that time of the year when we will have our school photos taken. On Monday 24th March Advancedlife Photographers will be at Trinity to take group and individual photos of all our children.  We ask that all children wear their academic uniform on the day with black shoes or all black sneakers.  We will send home reminders and information closer to the date. Below are the instructions for ordering photos.

Experience Excellencein Early Learning at Goodstart Richmond

PDF Flyer Here" 

If you or your friends have any questions regarding our local Kindergardens and Early Learning Centres  please let us know and I am sure we will be able to help. 


Nigel Rodrigues




MACSEYE OHSC (Out of Hours School Care)

Families who need Outside School Hours Care will need to enrol with MACSEYE. 

Please refer to the attached flyer which has the enrolment link.

If you have any questions, please let me know or you can also email MACSEYE directly at


ABC Music Lessons

Please see the ABC Page HERE in this week's newsletter for all the information you need. 


Trinity Playgroup 2025

We are looking forward to another great year providing a free Playgroup Service each Wednesday from 9.00am till 10:15am for all pre-school children in our local area. This year the program will be run by Ms Belinda, a qualified primary school teacher and mother of her own pre-school child.  Please, see the flyer below for details or contact us at the office, in person, over the phone or by email. 


Secondary School Open Days & Tours