International Department

Chinese New Year Celebrations
On Friday 14th February, International students and staff celebrated Luna New Year.
The year of the snake.
Luna New Year started on the 29th January and ended on the 12th February.
Viewbank college has 35 students enrolled this year with another 7 to join us in semester 2.
The students were provided with a lovely lunch of savoury, salad and sweets.
Once lunch was finished, 8 of our wonderful students did a short performance that resembled their culture.
- Caroline: Classic Chinese dance
- Chaffee: Guzheng (Chinese Pucker)
- Kevin: Story about where Chinese new year come from
- Wendy, Jojo, Yushan: Sang a song of a summer in a small town
- Flora & Una:K-pop ( Korean pop dance)
Our school captain and international student Jules was the MC of the celebration.
Ms Cleghorn presented the students with a red envelope for good luck and best wishes.
A great time was had by all and it was lovely to see the students culture shine through.
Summer & Narelle