Year 8 Report 

Cameron Robinson

It has been fantastic to see such a wonderful start to the year for our year 8 students.  


So far students this year it has been great to see students wearing their academic uniform, being prepared for learning and following our routines before and after school.  


I was so proud to see so many year 8 students wearing their house colours and swimming at the recent swimming carnival!  


During homegroup year 8 students have been setting SMART goals with their homegroup teachers and will review these throughout the year. 


Looking forward for the rest of the term, students will be participating in the house athletics carnival. 


In week 4 we had our first assembly and students celebrated their peers great work in the classroom and in the yard. 


Our first  Year 8 student of the week nominees were: 




Charlie Watling: 

for being respectful during test conditions 

James Anderson: 

arriving on time, being respectful and polite for his bass lesson 

Kyle Lasitani:

helping to pack up the bikes after bike ed. 

Jonathon Bryan: 

helping to pack up the bikes after bike ed. 

Romano Plaisted: 

for helping Ms Willlmott help pack up tables and chairs at recess.




Amber Stubbs: 

for persevering with the design for her poster in digital technology 

Makayla Kiellerup: 

assisting her classmate with her classwork from when she was away. Makayala volunteered to assist her classmate and help by providing instructions on how to do and complete tasks in class. 




Isaac Lelliot: 

for resilience with returning to school with his injury.