Pathways & Careers Report 

Kara Rysava

Our office (in the Senior Centre) has become a hive of activity as students pop in at recess and lunch time to enquire about all manner of things from resumes to work experience forms.  


Some of our Year 10 students have been super organised with their work experience, having already secured a placement and handing the completed paperwork back in for the Principal to sign. At this stage students are looking at going to a range of organisations such as primary schools, child care centres, cafes and even the Ballarat Tech School.  


We have also organised White Card (Construction Induction) Training for those students looking at work experience or a career in Construction. This training will allow students to safely and legally enter a construction site. We have secured discount rate from BGT (Ballarat Group Training) and CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) can be used to pay. Information and registration forms will be sent home to those students who are interested. 


Students in Years 10 are also looking forward to attending the Melbourne Careers and Jobs Expo (Permission forms have been sent home, so check the bottom of bags and coat pockets if you haven't seen one). This should be a great excursion to the Melbourne Showgrounds where over 130 educators and employers will talk to students and share information about apprenticeships, graduate opportunities, the future job market and tertiary study.  


Finally, I have begun meeting with every Year 12 student to talk about where they see themselves next year. So far I have had a conversation with about 30 students and will hopefully meet with a student in their final year by the end of term. We have been looking at things like required ATARS to get into university and the location of the university (will they have to move?), Plan Bs, work experience etc. I am encouraging all students whose goal is university after high school to attend Open Days. These are mainly held in August and we will send more information home as the dates get closer. For those wanting to enter the workforce next year I am encouraging  student to get some more work experience and broaden the networks in Ballarat. 


If you have a student in the senior years who doesn't know what they want to do after High School or is anxious about how to get into university or get that job, they don't need to wait for me to come and meet with them. Please encourage them to come and see us in the Careers Office.