Year 12 Report 

Claire Blower

Last week, we came together to celebrate a significant milestone for our Year 12 students at the Badge Presentation Ceremony. This event was a moment of pride and reflection, marking another achievement for our Year 12 students. 


The ceremony was a special occasion, filled with inspiration and encouragement. Our Principal, Mrs Shannon Ross, delivered an uplifting speech, reminding students of the leadership, potential, and positive influence they hold within the school and in their futures. Ms Hollands our Head of Senior School also spoke, sharing the importance of mateship and shared experiences as a cohort. 


One of the highlights of the ceremony was the individual presentation of the Year 12 badges. Each student was called to the stage to receive their badge, signifying their transition into the final year of school and the responsibilities that come with it. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the year ahead and it was great to have our Year 7 students there to witness what they can aspire to in the years to come.

In addition to this special ceremony, our Year 12 students also experienced their final Swimming carnival. It was a fantastic day filled with competitive spirit, team pride, and plenty of fun. For many, it was a chance to create lasting memories with friends and take part in an event that has been a highlight throughout their schooling years.

As Year 12 progresses, the reality of SACs and assessments becoming more frequent is setting in. It’s important for students to remember to look after themselves. Maintaining a healthy balance between study, work commitments, and personal time is crucial. 


Prioritising sleep, proper nutrition, and mental wellbeing will help ensure students remain focused and perform at their best. Whether it’s taking short breaks, getting in some exercise, or setting realistic study goals, self-care is essential in managing the demands of Year 12. If any students feel like they would like some help with establishing a maintainable study schedule, or need any support with finding a balance – see Miss B! 


We are so proud of our Year 12 students and all they have achieved so far. It has been great to see students wearing their Year 12 badges with pride. Congratulations once again to our Year 12 cohort—we can’t wait to see the incredible things you accomplish this year!