Sport News


On Wednesday Feb 19th, we were lucky enough to welcome Maddy Pieper to Bridgewater PS. She is the Participation Coordinator for AFL Central and has an active role in raising the profile of AFL in regional Victoria, giving students an opportunity to meet AFL and AFLW players and facilitating Auskick clinics. She’ll be the organiser and coordinator for our upcoming Bridgewater PS clinic taking place over 5 Mondays from Feb 24th to March 31st. Sessions will run from 3:45-4:45pm. 


Maddy’s visit included teaching us some football drills and games (much like children will get to enjoy if they register and attend school’s AUCKICK clinic), a chat about the football each child will receive if they register and attend, and also the AMAZING discount, she’s secured for us if you’re one of the first 20 to sign up (see the flyer below).


Here are some ‘action shots’ from today’s session!


Thanks Maddy and AFL Central!