DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome back to the 2025 academic year! A warm and heartfelt welcome to all new families joining the Academy community. I hope that the Christmas and New Year’s break provided you with the opportunity to reconnect with loved ones while also finding time to rest and recharge.
I am delighted to share that the school year has begun exceptionally well, with our students returning last week, their faces beaming with enthusiasm. They were greeted at the front gates by our Senior Student Leadership Team with music and resounding applause and of course, lollies! —an inspiring display of the strong sense of community and Mercy spirit that defines the Academy community.
We have been truly impressed by our newest Year 7 cohort and the seamless manner in which they have embraced this new chapter of their educational journey. The Year 7 team has worked diligently to ensure their transition is as smooth and welcoming as possible. Likewise, our Wellbeing Leaders and Mentor Group Teachers for Years 8–12 have extended their warm support to an additional 16 new students, ensuring they feel a strong sense of belonging and a confident start to their time at the College.
Ms Lucy Neil, Deputy Principal of Learning & Teaching, and myself, using our Educate for Excellence Model as our driver, have continued to work in close collaboration to ensure that our Learning & Teaching initiatives seamlessly integrate with our Student Wellbeing Programs. Our goal is always to create a cohesive and enriching educational experience that nurtures both academic excellence and personal development. I believe that by fostering this synergy, we strive to empower our students to reach their full potential, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve their aspirations and grow into exceptional young women who can go out into the world, be successful and make a difference.
As you are aware, the College uses a communications system informing you of College events/excursions/incursions that take place throughout the year.
If you have not already done so, we ask that you create an Operoo profile for your daughter. The sooner we have your daughter on the system, the more information we have in ensuring her safety and wellbeing. Moreover, if your daughter does not have an Operoo profile it will impede her capacity to attend any excursion/event that is planned.
General permission letters have been sent out, with other letters coming as the year progresses. We ask that you provide consent for your daughter to attend the various events in a timely manner to ensure that she is able to participate.
Student Planners
Your daughter’s Student Planner is a key avenue of communication with the College. There are several important aspects of the Student Planner and they include:
Statement of Acknowledgement and College Policies and Procedures
On the first page of the Student Planner, we have included a statement which we ask you and your daughter to sign. In asking you to sign this statement, it is an expression of your support of the College’s Policies and Procedures and the expectations and standards that we seek to uphold.
We thank you for your support in signing this statement and ask that this is done by Friday, 21 February.
With reference to the College Policies and Procedures (pp.8-11) in becoming familiar with them, please take note of the General College Rules and Uniform Requirements. Going through this information may alleviate the potential for any confusion about what is expected at the College.
Student Wellness Plan (pp.15-16)
Another aspect of the planner is the Student Wellness Plan which we hope to use as a reference tool in supporting your daughter.
The plan asks the students to consider when they are happy, calm or frustrated and from what they draw strength. The plan is taken from the Berry Street Education Model which is focused on engaging students who are vulnerable and at risk of not reaching their potential.
Our primary purpose of using the Student Wellness Plan at Academy is driven by a desire to better understand your daughter’s mindset at any given stage throughout the year. We encourage parents/guardians to engage with their daughter in talking about and contributing to the plan. Mentor Group Teachers will also be working with your daughters in talking about this wellness plan.
The more we can engage your daughter and encourage her to develop a clearer understanding of herself, the better able she may be to navigate the sometimes murky waters of adolescence.
While the vast majority of students have returned to school wearing the correct uniform, there are still a number of students who need to remember the following:
I would also ask you to encourage your daughters to ensure their uniform looks its best at all times. Additionally, in travelling to and from the College each day, please remind your daughters to be on their best behaviour and to carry themselves with dignity and pride.
The students are often the start and end of what the public see and how they present themselves with their uniform and their behaviour should reflect the very highest of standards. The students are ambassadors for the Academy each time they step outside the school gate and, as such, they should be mindful that they are representatives of the College.
Wellbeing Leaders and Mentor Group teachers have been giving the students a very small ‘grace’ period with regards to uniform and/or lateness etc, with the issuing of infringements commencing this coming week.
Mentor Group Time
This is a very important part of the day that will allow the opportunity for the development of a strong rapport between Mentor Group Teacher and the students and in doing so, students are looked after in the best possible pastoral manner. It’s also a period of time where some administrative tasks can be undertaken and Mentor Group Teachers can really set a positive tone for the day ahead. Attending Mentor Group is not an optional activity, nor is arriving late. All students are be expected to be punctual in the morning and there are procedures in place for any students who are late or do not attend this important part of the school day. We ask for full parental support with all of the above.
Parents’ Association Meeting - Monday, 24 February
Approximately once a month, the Parents’ Association conducts a meeting in which parents are offered the chance to contribute to the life of the College by sharing ideas or getting involved. It is an opportunity to continue an ongoing partnership between the College and the parents of the students in our care. I invite parents/guardians to play an active and crucial part at Academy, and, should you be so inclined, you are most welcome to attend our first meeting of the year on Monday, 24 February beginning at 7.00pm. The plan is to have our Term 1 and Term 4 Meetings on campus and Term 2 and Term 3 meetings online.
If you would like to attend the first meeting, please email Sam Di Camillo Sam.DiCamillo@academy.vic.edu.au and we will add you to the email and distribution list. We can’t wait to welcome you. Thank you to everyone at the Year 7 Welcome Evening who have already expressed an interest in joining the Parents’ Association. You will all be emailed the details of our first meeting of the year shortly.
Camilla Dighton
President – Parents’ Association
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any assistance or to raise any points of concern.
I look forward to working with all in the community throughout the year.
Mr Sam Di Camillo
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations