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Events | Parent Assoc. | Individual Achievements | Alumnae | Links
As we know, the starting of school year is peppered with a myriad of emotions and excitement is often underpinned with anxiousness. These feeling are to be expected and need to be considered as normal for anyone who is returning to school, changing school, beginning secondary schooling or in the process of commencing the final year.
With the return to school there are emotional, social and educational challenges. There are concerns about peers and friendships, homework, new subjects and general concerns about coping with all that is new. Adjustment difficulties are to be expected.
As your daughter starts to negotiate the terrain of her school life, parents can support the process in a number of ways.
Gently establish routines that take into account homework, meal time, leisure time, the necessary preparations for the next day and bed time (negotiating these with older adolescents).
Encourage conversation about school with an attitude of interest. Invariably your daughter will make mention to positive and negative elements. Allow her space to express her concerns and then gently remind her that adjusting to new situations takes time for most people. It sometimes helps to talk about your own school experiences as a way to normalise things.
And thirdly, if it becomes apparent that your daughter is struggling with any aspect of her school life, be proactive by putting in place support structures and strategies or seek the appropriate help. Early intervention is sometimes necessary.
Year level Wellbeing Leaders, class Mentor Teachers and subject teachers are easily contactable and will readily assist, as will I as the Student Counsellor.
If you have a concern or just need a sounding board, please feel free to contact me. I am available to have a conversation with you anytime throughout the week. You may phone, email or make an appointment.
Ms Giovina Costantini
Student Counsellor