Student Voice

Year 7 First Thoughts
In the first week of school we asked our Year 7 students what they had enjoyed the most or what they were looking forward to at PSC. Here are some of their responses.
"I liked Maths. The teachers were nice and really helpful." - Cleo
"I'm really looking forward to the State Schools Spectacular." - Alyse
"It's great being here. It makes me feel comfortable being with my friends from Primary School." - Nicole
"I am looking forward to new subjects and getting to do more things than primary school." - Asiya
"I'm looking forward to doing new subjets and learning new things." - Nurelham
"It's been great. I'm really looking forward to new experiences and having more things to do than in primary school." - Dante
"I liked Maths." - Kayla
"I'm looking forward to trying new sports and making new friends." - Tithi
Whole School Assembly Report by SRC
On Tuesday, 20th February, we had our first Whole School Assembly of the year.
All year levels gathered to commence the ‘Welcome Back’ announcement, with a lovely speech from our great principal, Mr. Smith, who spoke positively on the school’s behalf, announcing the new School leaders and (Class as well as House) captains, handing out awards, introducing and welcoming the new teachers.
The Assembly had an overall optimistic attitude to everyone present. Guest speakers were willing to speak about the future of the year twelves, after their Aspiration Day, to discuss future options after year twelve and wished them well.
The school Assembly ended on a positive note.
Celeste 'Stacky' Stack
Student Representative Council Member
Swimming Carnival
For some great photos and the results of the PSC Swimming Carnival, please visit the Sport page of this newsletter.
Year 12 Aspiration Day
On Thursday, 15th February, our Year 12 students visited Federation University in Berwick for 'Aspiration Day'. Our students were involved in a series of workshops that aimed to improve their readiness for Year 12, develop their study skills and provide individuals with strategies and techniques to manage the stress and anxiety associated with Year 12.
We wish our Year 12s a very successful year.