Community News

Sub School Structure @ PSC
For any Well-being or other concerns, please speak with your child(ren)'s Team Leader in the first instance.
Privacy Reminder for our School Community
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents.
This information is also available in ten community languages:
* Amharic
* Arabic
* Dari
* Gujarati
* Mandarin
* Somali
* Sudanese
* Turkish
* Urdu
* Vietnamese
2024 School Tours Available
Our College Tours recommenced this week and are available every Wednesday during term time. They start from the College Reception at 9:15am sharp, concluding at 10am.
If you would like to book a school tour, please visit our website at:
Scholarship Laptop
In 2020, the This is ‘IT’ initiative was born, in an attempt to equalise access to education across the South East region of Melbourne.
The initiative aimed to offer scholarships to local students, in the form of laptops.
In this day and age, laptops are a required learning tool for all students. Not having access to one severely impacts a student’s learning and the subsequent opportunities they will have to access further education, training and employment.
Students from Pakenham Secondary College have been identified among more than 1,000 students across the region, as recipients of a laptop, as a scholarship in 2024. These scholarships are reflective of the dedication to education these students are demonstrating, and the belief our College has in their ability to succeed at school.
The latest trench of 12 laptops provided to students from Pakenham Secondary College were purchased though funds, generously donated by GJ Walker.
This latest contribution brings the total number of laptops received by students attending Pakenham Secondary College, through the This is IT initiative to 62.
This is ‘IT’ was established by local business people wanting to have a positive impact on the education of young people. Founders of this initiative are:
- Todd Hartley - Hilton Manufacturing
- Simon Whiteley - Corex Plastics Australia
- Tyrone Landsman - Future Recycling
- Sandra George - South East Business Networks (City of Greater Dandenong)
- Andrew Simmons - South East LLEN
If you would like to know more about this initiative, or have laptops sitting on shelves in your office, that you would like to donate to a worthy cause, please contact Andrew Simmons, CEO at South East LLEN and co-founder at This Is IT, via email or phone.
0488 003 036
Disruptions on the Pakenham Train Line
Please click here or on the image above for all the latest details of disruptions on the Pakenham and Cranbourne Train Lines.
Roadworks, Disruptions & Detours in our area
For all of the latest news on traffic disruptions in the area (including the Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Update) please click here or on the image below.
Connecting with Us
Our College Newsletter is distributed monthly (usually the last Friday of the month) through your Compass newsfeed and our Website. To read the latest newsletter please visit this link.