Student Health & Wellbeing

See the Doctor at PSC
Pakenham Secondary College have been selected to participate in the Victorian Government's Doctors in Secondary Schools (DiSS) program.
The objectives of this initiative are to:
- make primary health care more accessible to students
- assist young people to identify and address any health probelsm early
- reduce the pressure on workign parents
As part of this program, Dr Zaman Bhuiyan, an adolescent-trained GP from the Pakenham Medial Clinic, will be at the College, along with Nurse Cassie, on Wednesdays from 11:30am until 3:30pm during term time. They will provide free access to primary helath care for secondary students at our school.
Parents/Carers can support the success of this program by talking to your child about the intiative and encourageing them to access the GP if they need primary health care.
Secure and confidential bookings can be made online at (by parents/carers or the student). Parents/carers are welcome to attend consultations with the student, if/when required.
We know that teenagers are the least likely of all age groups to seek health care, but we also know that many health problems that can have consequences into adulthood start at this time of life. This program seeks to address this issue.
The program complements existing student wellbeing programs aimed at improving health literacy and encouraging preventive health.
This program is not designed to replace any existing medical arrangements your family may have in place. The GP in the school can provide a convenient alternative to primary care within school hours, and encourage health care access to those students without an existing relationship with a GP.
We are very pleased that Dr Zaman Bhuiyan from the Pakenham Medical Clinic is our designated GP.
Over the past decade, Dr Zaman (MBBS, DTM&H, FRACGP, AMA), has been deeply involved in delivering quality healthcare services to the Casey and Cardinia area communities.
Dr Zaman's clinical interests include "listening to patients - listening is the best healer of many illnesses", Children's Health, Family Medicine, Mental and Sexual Health, Comprehensive Health Checks, Immunisation and Vaccinations and much more.
We are also thrilled that Dr Zaman is accompanied every Wednesday by Nurse Cassie, who many of our students and staff have had the pleasure of seeing previously for immunisations and other medical needs.
To make a secure and confidential booking, please visit our website at:
Asthma Action Plans
Asthma Action Plans are now due for the new school year. It is important (and a requirement) that these plans are renewed every year.
Please click here to access the Asthma Action form.
Dr Zaman is available to complete these with students (please make a secure and confidential booking at
If you require more information regarding your child's Asthma Management, please visit our website at: or please contact our First Aid Nurse, Amy, on 5945 1433.
Support Resilience in Children - In person Seminar
Mosquito-borne diseases
Warm and wet weather can result in greater numbers of mosquitoes and increased risk of illnesses from mosquito bites. WHile the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make people sick.
The best protection against mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquito bites.
Families can protect against mosquito bites by:
- covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
- applying insect repellant that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
- limited outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active
Families with any health concerns should see their doctor or phone NURSE-ON-CALL: 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours).
Japanese encephalitis virus is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes and can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain.
Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines are available to protect Victorians at higher risk of the virus.
The Victorian Department of Health encourages eligible people who live or work in high-risk local government areas to get vaccinate.
For more information, including what is considered a high-risk area and eligibility for a free vaccine, refer to the Department of Health's Japanese encephalitis webpage.
For more information on protecting against mosquito-borne diseases, families can refer to the following Better Health Channel pages:
- Mosquitoes can carry diseases
- Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease, including a handy checklist to help reduce mosquito breeding sites at home and resources translated into other languages.
Yan-Yan Yaruk Youth Program
Based at the Casey Aboriginal Gathering Place in Doveton, the Yan-Yan Yaruk Youth Program offers a free, safe, and inclusive space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young people throughout the school term.
Covid-19 Reminder
There is at present an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria.
You can help us keep our school as safe as possible by taking 2 important steps:
- Ensure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date. Information on how and where to get vaccinated is available on the Get vaccinated webpage.
- If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, please ensure they stay home and get tested. The easiest way to test is to use a rapid antigen test (RAT).
Free RATs are available from your local council where you can collect 2 packs of 5 RATs and an extra 2 packs for each person in your household. People with disability and their carers can get 4 packs of 5 RATs. You are not required to have a Medicare card and you can collect RATs as many times as you need. You can also buy RATs at supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.
If your child has symptoms but tests negative, please ensure they stay home until they no longer have symptoms.
If the RAT test result is positive, please ensure they say home for at least 5 days and until there are no more symptoms.
Thank you for your support – these steps will help us all stay well.
Foster Carers urgently needed
Becoming a foster carer is both life-changing and rewarding. You can change a young person's life by opening your heart and your home to them. Whilst at times it can be challenging, our training and accreditation equip you for these challenges, and you will have the support of a dedicated MacKillop staff member 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For more information please call 1300 791 677 and/or visit their website at:
Support Services
If you feel like you could do with the support of a professional, help is always available.
- MyPlace - Cardinia - 1800 496 884
- Youth Counselling and Support Service - Casey - 9792 7279
- Coronavirus Health Information Line · 1800 020 080 · Call if you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19). The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- LifeLine - 13 11 14 - Provides counselling, information and referrals for people experiencing a personal crisis. Click here for the link.
- Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636 - Provides advice and support for people experiencing depression and anxiety. Click here for the link
- Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 - Provides free counselling for anyone (15 years+) who is suicidal or affected by suicide.
- Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 - Provides free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling services specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. Click here for the link.
- E-HeadSpace - Provides free online or telephone support with a clinician via an online chat. This service is available for 12–25-year-olds, Click here for the link.
- Reachout - Click here for the link.