Chinese Lunar New Year

2024 is the year of Dragon based on Chinese zodiac. It's the year of wood dragon starting from February 10, 2024 to January 28, 2025. Dragon is the fifth in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs. The Years of the Dragon include 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.


Chinese Dragon is in fact an imaginary animal, the only fictitious creature of the 12 zodiac animals, which is composed of 9 animals, including the body of a snake, the horns of a deer, the head of an ox, the mouth of a crocodile, the claws of an eagle, and the scales of a fish. The Dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture and it represents auspiciousness and imperial power since ancient times. It is the token of authority, dignity, honour, success, luck and capacity.


On 15th and 16th February, the year 10,11 and 12 Chinese Language class students from senior campus made delicious dumpling (饺子Jiǎo zi) to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year. The Year 11 and 12 VCE Chinese Second language students also received red pockets(红包 hóng bāo)


Red pocket, red packet, red envelope... what is this magical red thing? The money in red envelopes is also known as 压岁钱 (yā suì qián). Literally, it is “money to anchor the year(s).” It is also known as “lucky money” or “New Year’s money.”  Regardless what term you use, 红包 (hóng bāo) is great, because by giving the red pockets to children, elders are hoping to pass on a year of good fortune and blessings.


We wish everybody at VUSC community:

新年快乐(xīn nián kuài lì) - Happy Chinese Luna New Year

龍年行大运(lóng nián xíng dà yùn)-Wish you good luck in the year of the dragon.

恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái) -may you come into a good fortune.



Mr Ding

Chinese Teacher