Principal's Message
School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Hi everyone,
Once again the term is flying past!
We had a wonderful week for our Athletics Days - with the whole school getting into the races, events and the overall excitement of the days. It was wonderful to see our parents in attendance at the events and the weather for both days was brilliant. A big thank you to Mr Liston for his organisation of both of the days and to the teachers for their time helping our students have fun and achieve their best.
We had Clean Up Orchard Grove this week - with all classes heading out in support of this great cause. Thank you to those who provided gloves and to Mrs Padman and Miss Ward for their organisation of the event. We also had a fire drill evacuation on Tuesday, which made for an exciting lunchtime!
Our kitchen garden program is in full swing for our year 3 and 4 students. For this program to thrive we need parent helpers to come along and help out both in the garden and kitchen programs. Whilst we usually fill these volunteer positions within the year groups, at times we can require additional support. If you are interested in helping out on a Friday and you are not a parent of years 3 or 4 please let us know by sending a quick email to the office. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Speaking of volunteers - about half of our classes are still looking for parent reps! A parent rep liaises with the class teacher and makes sure that any needed / relevant information is shared with the parents. If you are interested in helping us out in this space please talk to your classroom teacher.
Looking forward - we have Harmony Week celebrations next week and NAPLAN begins for our Year 3 and 5 students.
Finally, if you are parking in our nearby streets for drop off and pick up please remember to keep clear of driveways as our local residents may need to enter or exit their houses and driveways during this time. We have had phone calls mentioning that this is happening, so if we could please consider this that would be greatly appreciated.
Till next time
Michelle Ogilvie