Parish News
Inviting First Nations persons to potentially help with spiritual cleansing of oldOur Lady Help of Christians presbytery site
Planning is underway to hold a Blessing Ceremony and a Spiritual Cleansing of the old Our Lady Help of Christians Presbytery site. This ceremony will acknowledge the difficult past and our commitment to a bright and positive future on this land.
We would like to invite anyone who might know or be connected to a Koori Elder or other First Nations person, who might be interested in assisting us in this ceremony. We would love to hear from you, or them, to understand how they might assist us to take another step toward healing the harms that have occurred in this and so many other communities over time.
We would certainly be looking to make them feel very welcome and to a part of the ceremony. In addition, we would want to acknowledge their time and assistance in this part of our healing journey. Please be in touch with Fr. Michael or the Parish office, to introduce yourselves and let us know how we might best connect with Aunty or Uncle to understand possible next steps.
Email: 9435 4742
Please a link below for the bulletin for this weekend - the Third Sunday of Lent - 2 & 3 March 2024. Parish Bulletin