From the Deputy Principal

2024 DMFEN Student Leaders Conference

The 2024 De Mazenod Family Education Network Conference was hosted by Mazenod College Victoria. The elected Year 12 student leaders at our member Colleges, St Eugene College Qld, Mazenod College WA, Iona College Qld and Mazenod College Vic are accompanied by Rectors, Principals and leading teachers to this annual event.

The conference intends to build a connection and common understanding of our shared Charism and to learn more about St Eugene De Mazenod and the work of the Oblates in the Australian Provence. Fr Michael Twigg OMI, Fr Harry Dyer OMI and Fr Joe Antony OMI attended the conference providing keynote presentations as well as leading us in prayer, liturgy and reflection.


Student Voice and collaborative decision-making featured in the leadership sessions, with emphasis on the need to establish strategies and procedures, to not only set outcomes but also mechanisms to ensure they are reviewed and prioritised. Too many times wonderful intentions are lost in hectic school calendars.

From all accounts the students and staff experienced a conference that balanced the need to provide information but also plenty of time to discuss and listen to each other’s ideas and plans for 2024. Students realised that each of the colleges is unique because of their location and individual histories. They also realised the common values that are shared because of the ministry of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. These values are aptly illustrated in our Signpost documentation highlighting the mission and commitment of St Eugene and the Oblates to Community, Service, Spirituality, Dignity, and Learning.

The support and commitment to student leadership to each of the Colleges and the De Mazenod Family Education Network is evident. Thank you also to the Oblate Youth Ministry Team for their involvement at this year’s Student Leaders Conference. Thank you to all the staff who attended and supported the workshops and presentations.


Mazenod Victoria's Tranquil Gardens


Most of all thank you to the students who immersed themselves in the experience and took every opportunity to learn, plan and connect. Congratulations on being elected a leader in your respective community and good luck with all your projects in 2024.

Beyond the Haze: Vaping Presentation

Last week, we had Azelene Williams present to our Year 7, 8 and 9 cohorts about this adolescent issue. We also offered a complementary parent session earlier in the week. The sessions provided clear information on the legalities and risks of vaping, as well as some advice about avoiding this addictive practice. This valuable presentation will be supported in our pastoral programs and Health curriculum, with further activities to consolidate their understanding and develop tools to navigate the issue and appropriately seek help for themselves and others.


To complement this, I would like to share an excellent, research-driven resource for parents to use to talk about vaping with their children. This has been developed by the not-for-profit The Behaviour Change Collaborative in conjunction with Victoria Health. I would note a community connection too. The Founder and Managing Director of BCC is a member of our parent community and we commend them for focusing their energy on this adolescent issue.


The document is called Talking to Your Teen about Vaping: A Conversation Guide and can be found here: Resources | The Behaviour Change Collaborative ( When you retrieve it, you will notice the rich research findings that have gone into the development of it. I say this without bias to our community and having also reviewed the Department of Education resources and other provider resources: this conversation guide is truly an excellent resource and worth your time to retrieve and review!


Michael Anderson 

Deputy Principal (Students)