🎭Senior Drama Production

Tickets On Sale Now

Mazenod College Senior Drama students present 'All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Murder Mystery' by Werner Trieschmann.


Based on several disastrous theatrical experiences, Bad Murder Mystery peels back a tattered curtain to examine the process of putting on a show that is less than good.


Follow along -- if you dare -- as our misguided performers take on the genre that will not die -- the murder mystery! They attempt to nail down those devilish British accents, understand what a red herring is and figure out how not to make the narrator roll his eyes. Meanwhile, the director and frustrated stage manager wouldn't really try to murder someone during the murder mystery. Would they?!


Chaos rules the day as time is running out for the cast and crew to sort out this mess. Safe to say, you will never look at a whodunit the same way again!



Friday 19 April 2024 - Saturday 20 April 2024 

Doors open at 6:00 pm

The show starts at 6:30 pm


Below is the link to book tickets.

Mazenod College Senior Production - Bad Murder Mystery Tickets, Mazenod College - Performing Arts Centre, LESMURDIE | TryBooking Australia