Stars of the Week 

Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence

Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values.


Our Stars are:



1G           James K

For your enthusiasm to contribute during classroom discussions. I love how confident you are to share your thoughts and ideas with the class. Way to go James!




1L           Dalia

For always showing initiative and forward thinking. You are such a mature and independent learner, Dalia. Well done!!!


2M           Sepi

For your amazing independence and focus when completing learning task! Keep up the great work Sepi!!


4T           Hayden

For showing a sound understanding of place value when ordering numbers with decimals. Well done!


5L           Chloe T & Evelyn C

For the way you independently keep record of your reading interests and achievements in your Reader's Notebook. Well done!


6P           Taz

For her outstanding independence and effort in consistently producing organised, neat and detailed bookwork. 


Art          Oscar F (6P)

For the confidence you showed when blending the watercolour pencils, it showed great skill and was very impressive work Oscar, amazing!


Italian      Zoe (2M)

For being an outstanding helper in class


Music     Abdikadir (6H)

For the focus and determination, you have shown when playing the piano in Music. You have made great progress on your own merit. Well done, Abdi!




1R          Jamie

For being a delightfully caring and considerate member of our class. You demonstrate respectful behaviours every day and you set a wonderful example for your peers. Well done, Jamie!


2N          Henry L

For being a helpful and considerate class member of 2N. You are always willing and kind when helping others. Well done, Henry!


4F            Morgan

For the respectful way you engage in class discussions considering alternative points of view - what a star!


6R           Tristyn 

For consistently displaying respectful behaviour towards your classmates through your words and actions. 


6H           Millie P

Making people laugh, feel happy and being kind to others.


PE          Foundation M

For your respectful listening and following of instructions in PE this week. 




1H           Luka

For consistently putting in your best effort in our literacy lessons. The way you work so hard to sound out the words is awesome to watch. Keep it up Luka!


3H           Hana

For getting your homework done so well. You tried so hard with your extra number work. Fantastic Hana!


3J           Kadhirr & Umar

For both doing such a great job in Numeracy sessions this week. You both challenged yourselves and worked super hard to solve addition problems. Fantastic work!


3M           Shipley

For her wonderfully positive attitude and her wiliness to put in the extra effort, to strengthen a skill. 


4C            Tennyson

For your perseverance and focused mindset when working on all classroom activities. You always strive for achieving your very best! Amazing. Well done, Tennyson!


4K             Jack T

For your fantastic ideas for plot twists and captivating character arcs, and the way you kept going with your planning in writing. Awesome work!


5S             Georgia

For the amazing effort and attitude, you apply to all learning tasks. You consistently persist when you are challenged, with a growth mindset. Keep up the amazing work!




2S         Freddie

For demonstrating great resilience over the last week and doing an incredible job at moving on from setbacks! Well done, Freddie.


3O        Sivan

For the improvement you have shown in the last couple of weeks at recovering from situations that don't go as you would have hoped or expected. Mr O'Callaghan is really proud of you. Well done, Sivan. 


5M            Rondelle

For bouncing back and persisting after an incredibly challenging couple of weeks. You are amazing Rondelle!



Stars of the Week & School Values

We focus on positive behaviours and good citizenship. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school. Our School Values are Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, and Respect. 


It is up to all of us to bring our values to life and present them in a way that makes sense.  Here are some examples.


Persistence - is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.


Resilience - Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.


Confidence - Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.


Independence – Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.


Respect - Is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.


Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values and set an example to our community . Behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.