
Harvey K 3O

This year all the students have begun the term by studying contemporary Aboriginal artists. Grades 3 – 6 investigated the art of Sonia and Elisa Jane Carmichael who are Ngugi woman belonging to the Quandamooka people. The mother and daughter pair collaborate to create large cyanotype textiles that comprise of handwoven forms, string and found objects belonging to their country. 


Inspired by the Carmichaels the students have been having a go at making their own cyanotype prints, using natural and organic items that have found at school or brought from home. These natural items such as leaves and flowers were thoughtfully placed on top of the cyanotype paper which is coated in a mixture of two iron compounds. The Grade 5 and 6’s also added a second layer of hand drawn shells to connect to the water we are surrounded by. A thin sheet of perspex was placed on top to flatten the leaves and to keep them in place in case of wind.

Next the paper and natural items were placed directly in the UV rays outside, depending on the time of day the chemical change to the paper occurred between 5 – 20 minutes. 

The paper was then brought inside and the chemical compound was washed off.

 The students noted that the paper had turned from blue to grey when outside but once the chemical is washed off the paper turns a bright blue, leaving only white shapes were the leaves and shells had cast a shadow.

For the final step the students added colour using watercolour pencils and added highlights and outlines using markers and white paint pens. The students have really enjoyed creating this multi layered artwork combining science, nature and art. Here are a few of the completed artworks:

Chloe 5L
Kareena 3H
Meika 3H
Monje 4C
Santiago 4F
Seb 6R
Zoe 4C
Zoe 6R
Chloe 5L
Kareena 3H
Meika 3H
Monje 4C
Santiago 4F
Seb 6R
Zoe 4C
Zoe 6R
Diva 6R
Diva 6R