Sport News

Another great fortnight of skill building and teamwork in Physical Education and Health. Students concluded their unit on Soccer, and it was fantastic to see the growth in ball control and skills. The new soccer balls have been a popular addition to the sports shed and students are playing with them regularly during breaktimes. This week students begin a unit on Cricket, focusing on throwing and catching skills and hand eye co-ordination.
Upcoming School Event
Friday the 22nd of March is National Ride To School Day. Ride, Scoot, Walk, Run, Skate to school if you can. A great day to be active and have fun. I will keep a tally and have stickers and prizes to hand out to participants. The total number of participants will be announced at assembly.
Good Sports Award
Well done to the winners of the weekly Good Sports Award medals that are presented during PE lessons. Out of those 11 winners, 1 overall winner is selected each week to receive the Good Sports Award Trophy at assembly. For weeks 4 and 5 the winners were Archie C and John R. Both Archie and John always participate in PE to the best of their abilities, persist with new skills and support their classmates. Great job!
Mr. Nilbett
Physical Education & Health