Message From Our 


Dear Parents, Carers, and Members of our School Community,


I trust this newsletter finds you well and immersed in the joy of learning and community spirit that defines and shapes the culture of our school.


Presentation of Sacramental Candidates at our Parish Family Mass

The week commenced (Sunday 3rd March) on a spiritually uplifting note as we gathered at Sacred Heart Parish for a Family Mass, a significant occasion that marked the introduction of our Sacramental Children to the heart of our faith community. 

The Mass was a beautiful celebration of faith, unity, and shared purpose. The sacred walls of the church echoed with prayers, hymns, and the collective spirit of our school community. It was heartening to witness the strong support from our parents, guardians, and fellow students, who attended the Mass in large numbers to stand in solidarity with our Sacramental Children.


As we continue to nurture the holistic development of our students, events like the Family Mass remind us of the strength we derive from our close-knit school community. Together, we contribute to the growth of our children not only as scholars but also as individuals grounded in faith, empathy, and a sense of belonging.  In these moments of communal worship, we reinforce the importance of spiritual growth, compassion, and shared values that form the foundation of our Catholic school identify.


Valuing & Protecting Core Learning Time

As we navigate through the challenges and opportunities that each term brings, I am compelled to address an important aspect of our school day that requires collective attention and support.  At the heart of our commitment to excellence in education is the sacred time dedicated to core learning between 9am and 12:40pm. These hours are invaluable, providing our students with uninterrupted opportunities to engage in explicit learning designed meticulously by our dedicated teaching staff. It is during this time that we witness the blossoming of knowledge, the cultivation of skills, and the nurturing of a lifelong love for learning.  


However, I must acknowledge the challenges we face in safeguarding this essential learning time. External providers have expressed interest in engaging in private tuition throughout the day, presenting a delicate balance that we, as a school community, must strive to achieve.


Our commitment to a win-win scenario for all stakeholders is unwavering. We are currently working closely with external providers to develop a strategy that allows private tuition to operate without impinging on our core business of nurturing and growing the young minds in our care.


I extend my sincere apologies for the slow start to these lessons in Term 1. Rest assured, from Term 2 onwards, a more consistent approach and strategy will be implemented to ensure minimal disruption to our core learning times.


To address the concerns raised, all providers have been asked to establish a rotating tuition timetable. This approach ensures that students do not miss the same learning opportunities each week, striking a balance that prioritises both their academic growth and external learning support.


Uniform Reminder

Recently, we've noticed some instances of incorrect footwear and socks being worn outside of sports days, as well as an increase in the wearing of jewellery. Incorrect jewellery poses a safety concern, and students will be kindly asked to remove such items and place them in their bags. Parents, please refer to the Sacred Heart Uniform Policy on our website for further clarification.

Friday 8th March - Staff Development Day/ Pupil Free Day

A gentle reminder that on Friday 8th March, Sacred Heart Staff will be engaged in a day of Professional Learning, resulting in a Pupil Free Day for the school community.  The focus of the day will be in building/consolidating our professional capacity on quality differentiation in Mathematics to ensure we continue to engage and provide learning for students at their current 'instructional' level to ensure continued growth and success. These days are extremely important for our staff, as we continue to develop our professional competencies and confidence in priority learning areas aligned to our school and system improvement plans.


Keep our Students Safe at Drop Off & Pick Up Times

In the interests of safety for everyone at Sacred Heart I have a few very important reminders during Drop Off and Pick Up times.


Reverse Park, drive at walking pace, children wait on lawn area, parents come in the gate to collect your child, no child is to walk through the carpark not accompanied with an adult. We ask that parents don’t gather at the corner on the carpark and allow children to play when cars are exiting the carpark. It is very concerning for drivers and makes safe supervision of all children difficult for the staff member on duty.

Staff Carpark – is for staff only.

Children are not to walk through that area at any time. Visibility is very difficult with children walking along the footpath/bus and moving traffic. All children using Hogan St must exit down the ramp. 

Hogan St

All pedestrians, children and adults, must use the crossing when it is supervised. This is a legal requirement. 

Hunter St

This is an excellent option to avoid the busy traffic in Hogan St. Children walk to the gate supervised. They must be picked up on the school side of the road or an adult walk across to meet them. Children cannot cross the street without an adult. 

School Office

The school gates are locked at 9am and opened at 3:20pm. All visitors to the school during those times must enter through and report to the main office.


Drop Off and Pick Up times are extremely busy times and it is important that this is managed safely. It may be inconvenient at times but I ask families to fully cooperate and support staff, keeping everyone at Sacred Heart safe.


Enjoy our week and have a wonderful and restful weekend.


God bless,


Jamie McDowall
