Assistant Principal's News

2024 NAPLAN Testing
As previously communicated, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will begin on Wednesday 13 March and conclude Monday 18 March. Catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent up until Monday 25 March.
NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Individual student results will be provided to parents and students later in the year.
To minimise any disruptions or delays, students are reminded to come to school each day with a fully charged device and to bring headphones for the Language Conventions test (headphones are also optional for the Writing and Numeracy tests).
The testing schedule is:
Wednesday 13 March | Period 1 – Year 7 Writing (42 min) Period 3 – Year 9 Writing (42 min)
Thursday 14 March
| Period 1&2 – Year 7 Reading (65 min) Period 3&4 – Year 9 Reading (65 min)
Friday 15 March
| Period 1 – Year 7 Conventions of Language (45 min) Period 3 – Year 9 Conventions of Language (45 min)
Monday 18 March | Period 1&2 – Year 7 Numeracy (65 min) Period 3&4 – Year 9 Numeracy (65 min)
Students have been allocated the same classrooms for all of their tests. These are available to view on the Compass Event for each test and will also be communicated via the Middle School Office noticeboards.
Preparation: Students have been provided with the opportunity to undertake practice to ensure that they are comfortable with the tools on the online platform. Students and families can also develop familiarization with the online platform via this link:
Jarrod Sturnieks
Acting Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning