Humanities News

EDSC Food Drive Weeks 8 & 9
In response to the increase in the number of families in Melbourne who are struggling to have enough food, we are again running a Food Drive with the charity Food Bank.
Last year’s Food Drive was such a success in Year 9, that this year we would like to give all students and their families the opportunity to donate non-perishable food items to Foodbank Melbourne.
The Food Drive will form part of our Harmony Week Activities, and be a practical way to support local families as part of the Year 9 Humanities focus on Food Security. Students have been considering the impacts of food insecurity for countries around the world, and for our local community.
If you are able to, during the last 2 weeks of term (Monday 18 March – Thursday 28 March), please bring to school un-opened and in-date food items such as: canned soups, fruit and vegetables; breakfast cereal; pasta, noodles or rice; coffee, tea and spreads; sauces and cooking supplies such as flour or sugar. These items will be donated to Food Bank, to supply food to those who need it.
The drop off point is outside Room K06.
If you would like to read more about this charity, head to:
Anna Hardenberg
Humanities Teacher