Principal's Report

Principal Report
Year 7 Orientation Camps
Last week our Year 7 students embarked upon what is always a highlight of their first year at the College - Year 7 Camp. The camps were held at Anglesea and provided a range of exciting activities for students with highlights including surfing, giant swing, high ropes, group sporting activities and the night walks. It was wonderful to hear that students and staff alike were able to make the most of this important opportunity to connect and work towards further strengthening relationships.
Our Year Level Coordinators were very encouraged to witness the interactions between students as their confidence, friendships, and connection with each other grew visibly in that short space of time.
I would like to acknowledge the Middle School team for their extensive planning of the event – in particular Justin Bond (Head of Middle School), Leanne Kaufmann (Transition Coordinator), Jane Denton and Grant Evans (Year 7 Coordinators). Camps such as this are also a success due to the tremendous efforts of all attending staff. Thank you to each of our staff who contributed to the success of the camps and gave up their own valuable family time in doing so.
School Council Update
After the recent process for School Council elections for department, parent and student representatives, I am delighted to declare the following ballot outcomes:
School Council Elections 2024 - Declaration of Ballot
Parent Member Category
Stelios Georgiou
Hatem Mourad
Department of Education: Employee Member Category (no election was required)
Karen Boyle
Giulia Catalano
We warmly congratulate these successful candidates.
Can I also sincerely thank all staff, parents and students who nominated for this election for their interest and investment into our School Council and the continual improvement of the College.
The first meeting of our new school council is 27 March 2024 – AGM and Open Meeting.
School Council and 2024 Annual General Meeting - Open Meeting
We are extending an invitation to the College Community to attend the March School Council meeting and Annual General Meeting. This will be held at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 27 March. Interested parties are asked to please contact Lisa Bull at for further details and to register attendance. All attendees must be registered by 4.00pm Monday 25 March.
Cycle One College Reports
A reminder for parents that our College Cycle One reports will be available on the Compass system on Friday 16 March.
Our first assessment cycle, although reflecting a relatively short timeframe for all subject areas, offers important feedback at this early stage of the school year. It is our aim that this level of initial feedback will allow for positive outcomes and work-habits to be reinforced and for any issues to be identified and improved upon in a timely manner that allows for a successful platform for learning growth throughout the year.
As the term comes to its conclusion it is hoped that parents and students will focus on this initial feedback to monitor learning progress and positive study habits.
Parent – Student – Teacher Conferences
Given the imminent release of our Cycle 1 reports, this is a further reminder that our Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are to be held on Tuesday 26 March.
We encourage parents and students to avail themselves of this important opportunity to meet our teachers to discuss student progress.
All bookings must be made via Compass.
Interview Times are:
Interviews 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Interviews 2.45pm to 4.45pm
Interviews 5.30pm – 7.30pm
The Parent - Student - Teacher Conference Booking System will be accessible from:
Year 12 Student Bookings
12.00pm Friday 15 March until 12.00pm Monday 25 March.
Year 7 to 11 (Including Year 11 students doing a 3/4 subject) Student Bookings
10.00am Monday 18 March until 12.00pm Monday 25 March.
We acknowledge that the logistics of the afternoon and evening make it difficult for all parents to meet with each teacher, I would therefore advise parents to be selective and prioritise their bookings.
If parents are unable to attend personally on the day or are unable to secure an interview with a particular teacher, could I remind all parents that the COMPASS system allows for ongoing communication via email.
I would encourage parents to contact any teacher if they have specific concerns/queries regarding the education of their child. Alternatively, parents may contact Year Level Coordinators to arrange meetings and discuss overall performance or other issues.
Please find attached further information regarding Parent – Teacher - Student Conferences and booking information.
For further booking instructions please go to the following link and click on the
Parent-Teacher Conferences option
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be delivered online next week between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 18 March.
Catch up tests will be scheduled for individual students who are absent on test days up to and including Monday 25 March.
NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Over time, the NAPLAN tests provide parents, teachers and the school with a rich source of information on how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy as they advance through their schooling. Individual student results will be provided to parents and students later in the year.
Testing schedules appear as events on student Compass timetables. We ask that students arrive punctually with charged laptops and headphones as required.
College Open Night
Early Finish for Students Thursday 14 March 2024
On Thursday 14 March, the College will host parents and students of our community at an Open Night to introduce our school to them. The evening will commence with School Tours at 4.30 pm. We look forward to this opportunity to showcase the varying dimensions of our College to prospective families of our community.
Due to many of our students and staff involved in the set-up for Open Night and additional preparations that need to be made, students will be dismissed at 2.30pm at the conclusion of period 5. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Attendance at this year’s Open Night will be by booking only. This arrangement may well impact the number of parents and prospective students who are able to attend. In recognition of this, we have organised several extra College Tours to be conducted for the remainder of Term 1. I would refer parents and students to the College website for further details of both events.
Karen Boyle
Acting Principal
Photographing, Filming and Recording students at East Doncaster Secondary College - Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice 2024
During the school year, there are typically many occasions and events where school staff may photograph or film students participating in school activities and events. These images are used for a variety of purposes including the school newsletters, (for example, of classroom activities or camps and excursions and events), Compass News Feeds, student identification, College magazine and display in school classrooms. We also arrange for official school photographs to be taken at the start of each year, including a class composite photo which is available for parents to order.
We ask that all parents please refer to the attached Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice.
Parents or carers can withdraw consent for their child to be photographed or filmed by completing the form on the Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice and returning it to Reception or via email