Classroom News 

What's Happening inYear 6

This term, Year 6’s and Preps have started the buddies program. The purpose of this program is to help the Preps learn the values of caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility.  The Prep students will also have a familar older It has also helped the Year 6’s learn about the responsibility of being leaders as every Year 6 student has their own Prep buddy. 


Some important skills we have taught and helped the preps with are, the expectations during eating time and break time, showing them how to talk to others in the right way and how to be safe, respectful and responsible. In turn, this has taught us, Year 6s, to be more patient, how to talk to other age groups, and how to be good role models. It has also been a good reminder for us to be safe, respectful and responsible in a different scenario. 


A few activities we have done so far have been, introducing ourselves through “Get to Know You” activities, having regular lunches together, and playing games together. We look forward to helping them grow and spending more time together. 


From the Year 6 Class Captains, 

David S, Parker B, Phillip C, Olivia F, Ava C, Juliana M, Marina K, Younan H. 

