From the Office 

Hi everyone, 


CSEF forms are now available from the General Office - please enquire if you are unsure regarding your eligibility for school fee relief.


We are gradually filling our sports uniform stock levels - back orders will be sent home as soon as we have the stock.  We apologise for the inconvenience, but we are not receiving regular stock from our supplier - this issue will be temporary & stock will be back to normal shortly.


We understand that sometimes you need to collect your child early from schhol for an appointment, or for family reasons....BUT.....please don't come during break times & expect us to be able to call your child off the playground - if you come during break times, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take your child & you may have to wait until the break ends.  Also, please endeavour to not come & collect children after 3:00pm, unless it is absolutely necessary - from 3:00-3:20, children are packing up their work, tidying up the classroom & receiving instructions from their teacher re homework or the next day's activities - it is very important that the children are in their classroom to receive this information.  Thanks for your co-operation & understanding 😊


Hats are available from the General Office for $16.


Have a fabulous weekend everyone  🌞

Julie 🌼