
Big Idea: ‘How does media influence how we see ourselves?’
Global Goal: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
In our Inquiry learning this term, learners will be exploring the question ‘How does the media influence how we see ourselves?’, through the lens of Health and Critical and Creative Thinking. The learners will be investigating how the media conveys images of health, respect for self and others, safety and self-image across cultures/indigenous perspectives. Students will be analysing the language and images that are used across cultures, in families, the yard and throughout the media.
A key element of our inquiry will also involve thinking deeply about our Global Goal ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’ and transferring this into daily life. Learners will be unpacking the pillars of wellbeing and will learn how to promote their wellbeing in their daily lives. We look forward to encouraging your children to think broadly about the concepts of wellbeing, as well as critically think about what is presented to them in the media.
To support your child’ inquiry learning at home, you could:
- Share strategies or practices that you use to promote mindfulness, positivity, wellbeing and health.
- Cook a healthy and balanced meal together and sit around the table together to enjoy it.
- Talk about role models and people you admire and reflect on the values they possess which inspire you to grow and be your best.
- Encourage positive self-talk, self-compassion and praise at home.
- Share lessons learnt of times when you overcame challenges or struggles that have strengthened you.
- Discuss what they are being exposed to via the media (APPS, YouTube videos etc.) and talk about how that is influencing their way of thinking.