Around the Grounds

Netball Schools Cup Gala Day
On Tuesday the 27th of February, a group of Year 3 and Year 4 students participated in the Gunnedah Schools Cup Netball Gala Day. A team of eleven students played a series of seven games versing teams from other Gunnedah schools. The students all played well, learning the rules, positions and skills of netball. Despite the heat, they all had a great day with a lot of great teamwork, sportsmanship and smiles.
Diocesan Swimming Carnival
This Friday, 1st March, 27 St Xavier's students will be attending the Diocesan Swimming Carnival at the Gunnedah Memorial Pool. Best of luck to all our swimmers.
OzTag Gala Day
St Xavier's has been invited to an Oztag Gala Day on Friday 22nd March at Longmuir Playing Fields, Gunnedah. Any students in Year 3-Year 6 are invited to attend. This is not a compulsory event. If you would like your child to attend you must complete the consent form on Compass before Wednesday 13th March.
Coalminers Cup
The NRL Game Development team have invited St Xavier's to the Coal Miners Cup again in 2024. This is for students in Year 3 -Year 6. If you would like your child to attend, you must complete the consent on Compass. We may have to hold trials at school if we have too many nominations. By completing the Compass consent you are agreeing that your child can trial for this event and if they are successful you are giving consent for your child to attend the event. This is due by Wednesday 13th March.
Age Divisions:
U10's Tackle Mouth Guard Compulsory, headgear recommended
U12's Tackle Mouth Guard Compulsory, headgear recommended
Year 5/6 Girls League Tag
Golf, AFL, Rugby 7's Softball & Diving Nominations
Historically, these sports have had limited nominations, so we do not host trials for them. The ADPSC gathers all expressions of interest, and then information is directed to parents and schools when EOIs are completed.
Expressions of interest are now open for the following sports:
Expression of interest (Rugby 7's (Girls only) Golf, Softball, AFL & Diving)