Curriculum News

Term 1 Curriculum Update

Please be advised of the following Term 1 Curriculum Matters


Leaders of Curriculum Briefing via zoom (Tuesday 27th February 11am - 1pm).


Curriculum Reviews - 

The Term 1 Curriculum Review schedule will be as follows - 

Stage 5 English (15th March)  - documentation only 

Stage 3 English (22nd March) - zoom meeting  Registration Link Please submit documentation ONE WEEK PRIOR.


KLA Network Days (Secondary)

7 - 12 English

Date: 4th April, 2024

Venue: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale

Registration closes: 21st March 2024

Registration Link


Curriculum Reform meetings -

Curriculum Reform Working Party - Meeting 

11 & 12 Health & Movement Science


Date: Date to be advised

Venue: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale

Registration closes:  20th March 2024

Registration Link


K - 2 Curriculum Support Session #1

A zoom session to facilitate discussion regarding the implementation of the K - 2 English syllabus (in school clusters). 

Date: 15th March, 2024 @ 1pm

Zoom link -


Please refer to the Curriculum Support Session doc for further scheduling. This information is also on the CSO and Schools calendars.

Road Safety

Video from CSNSW