Message from the


Dear Colleagues, 

Grattan Institute released a report last week entitled, ‘The Reading Guarantee: How to give every child the best chance of success’. The report indicates a number of key findings that align with and affirm the work we are doing in the Armidale Diocese as we realise our mantra ‘Literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future’. Last week I referred to our Non-negotiables for a Catholic Professional Learning Community; through evidence-based practices, our Non-negotiables show a clear line of sight to improved ‘faith, learning and wellbeing outcomes’ for our students.


The Grattan Institute report highlights the need to follow evidenced-based practices. For reading, right across our system of schools, we have an evidence-proven structured approach to literacy which includes the Whole-School-Agreed Literacy Block being incorporated into the English block. Starting with phonics, through the InitiaLit program, and moving onto a differentiated approach for each student—which includes regular check-ins—we can demonstrate that our evidence-based approach improves our students’ reading because they achieve outstanding results in both internal and external metrics. The Armidale Catholic Schools Data Ecosystem provides visualisation and transparency of our data so that we can monitor our young people’s progress to the literacy and numeracy skills they require to help them realise a hope-filled future. Thank you for all your work in supporting our young people to achieve these improved outcomes. 




Congratulations to Amanda Scott who has achieved Module One of her HA/LT certification through successful completion of the ACU Certificate of Education. Amanda has successfully demonstrated 12 Highly Accomplished Standard Descriptors. Well done, Amanda.


School Visits

Last week, I visited St Joseph’s Tenterfield, St Joseph’s Glen Innes and Holy Trinity Inverell. In all schools the classrooms were calm and the students engaged fully in their learning. The Kindergarten students demonstrated a strong understanding of our rules for life - I am safe, I am valued, respected and cared for, and I am a learner. Very impressive in Week 3, congratulations to all our skilled helpful adults who make the transition to school such a positive one! 


At Holy Trinity, I was privileged to join their Liturgy for Ash Wednesday led by Fr Paul Chandler. The young people were so reverent and respectful, truly entering into the liturgy. Fr Paul gave a great sermon about Lent being a time of preparation for the Easter Season of Jesus’ death and resurrection, likening it to a training camp an athlete might go to in preparation for the Olympics. 


The season of Lent gives us the opportunity to reflect on where we may not have loved God, our neighbour or ourselves as we should and search for opportunities to heal. We also look to prayer, almsgiving and fasting during this season. It has been wonderful to see via schools’ facebook pages and newsletters the fundraising that has already occurred for Caritas through Project Compassion. 


Next week, I look forward to visiting Sacred Heart, Boggabri, St Joseph’s, Mungindi, St Philomena’s, Moree and St Joseph’s, Wee Waa.

