Mr Chris Grimmer
Mr Chris Grimmer
A reminder, as per our recent Compass post, that on the last two days of this term, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th September, Breakfast Club and the Cafeteria will not be operating. This is to enable staff to move the cafeteria equipment to a temporary setting, in readiness for the demolition work in Term 4. Please ensure your child brings their own snacks and lunch on these days and has breakfast before coming along to school. Thanks for your co-operation during this time.
Since our last major newsletter there has been a lot of work completed on Stage 2 of our building project. I have included a number of photos below which show the work that has been completed so far on Stage 2
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents / caregivers / guardians think of our school. The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. All families have been invited to participate in the survey by email, so please look for a message from the school email address - it is not spam. The email contains a direct link to the survey and a PIN number for families to access the survey for our school.
The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey opened on Monday 7 August and closes on Friday 8 September 2023.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Throughout Term 4 2023 we will be undertaking our four yearly whole school review. This will enable us to look at what has been achieved over the last four years and then establish a new strategic plan for the coming four-year period that will enable us to continue our focus on improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes, as well as building staff knowledge and capacity.
In week one of term, we held our pre-review meeting with Branko Lukic, our reviewer, and Andrew Ough (Senior Education Improvement Leader - SEIL). We have undertaken the process of completing our pre-review self-assessment, with all staff working together in small groups to determine where they think we sit as a school against the 5 core elements of FISO 2.0. (below)
These 5 elements are ranked as either emerging, evolving, embedding or excelling and form the basis of our school review.
The following dates have been set for the school review process:
Monday 2nd October will be a school council approved student free day. Much of this day will be spent moving out of the current main building and into the temporary new spaces prior to demolition. Early in Term 4 the remaining old section of the main building will be decommissioned and then demolished in readiness for Stage 3 of the building project to get underway.
No students will attend school on this day.
While we know sleep is essential for good health, research shows that many children and young people are not getting enough sleep on school nights. This can affect thinking, concentration, memory, reaction times and mood.
Research shows about 12% of primary school-aged children, a quarter of 12- to 15-year-olds and half of 16- to 17-year-olds don’t get enough sleep on school nights. The recommended amount of time to sleep for primary school-aged children is 9 to 11 hours. For teenagers, it’s 8 to 10 hours.
Signs that your child is not getting enough sleep can include:
You can help your child to improve their sleep by:
If your child is still having trouble sleeping, has persistent problems with low mood, excessive daytime sleepiness, restlessness in bed, severe snoring or wakening unrefreshed, despite getting adequate length sleep, they should see a doctor.
For more information on sleep health, you can refer to: