From the School Council

From the Vice President  |  Parents and Friends Association | 2023 Council

Is it really Term 4 already? It is that time of year when the Year 12 students officially leave their structured classes and the College for the last time, and start their exam and study leave. It is potentially a stressful time for all involved, including parents of course. So perhaps a gentle reminder that yes doing well in exams is important, but it is not the end of the world if things don’t go as planned. Life is a journey and there is so much more to our amazing students than purely exam abilities. So don’t stress, relax and simply do your best. That’s all we ever ask as parents. We wish every single Chelt.Sec Year 12 student good luck in their upcoming exams. 


With the implementation of the new school uniform for 2024, the council continues to work on topping and tailing the associated policy document. One of the challenges at any school is balancing a uniform policy which gives students some freedom of expression whilst also complying with some of the stricter Department of Education Health & Safety regulations. And perhaps the biggest challenge is ensuring the school staff can actually apply the policy effectively without taking up all their precious time. Current topics of discussion are hair colour, nail polish, clothing length (both dress and shorts) along with the long-term thorny issues of leather shoes and PE kit being allowed to be worn all day long. Unfortunately, these are not straightforward discussions. The Council hopes that families have now had a chance to see the new uniform display in the main office at school and fully understands the transition policy as it applies to their son or daughter. 


For new parents starting at the school, we encourage you to check out our official social media channel below. In particular, it’s a good place to find some advice and answers to any burning questions you may have, but of course, if you ever have a question, please call the school, 9555 5955 for the correct answer/explanation.


Rory Hall

School Council Vice President

Parents and Friends Association

We continue to seek interested parents and friends to join the Cheltenham Secondary College Parents and Friends Association (PFA).  We are not looking for you to single-handedly run all sorts of complex meetings or events. We simply want the PFA to have a large group of individuals willing to help at any fundraising or school events.  We want it to be a fun group of people rather than a burden and grind for those involved. 


If you are interested in being added to our mailing list, please complete the PFA Expression of Interest survey.  To find out more contact Sharon:

*If you have already completed the EOI, thank you.  We have your details and will be in touch soon.

About Chelt.Sec School Council

Every government school has a council. Council’s role is governance and oversight. Council assists to develop and monitor strategic priorities, plans, policies and budgets, working with school staff leadership. School Council members are drawn from students, parents, Department of Education staff and the community. 


2023 School Council

Susannah Bowen-Wheatley: President

Rory Hall: Vice President

Bridget Geers: Treasurer

Parent members: Ester Yefet, Andrew Hall

Student members: Campbell Hall, Hassan El-Manea

DET members: Karl Russell, Brooke Matthews, Emily Nicholls, Peter Allen


To find out more or get involved in School Council, contact Susannah (President):


Join the family community on Facebook for swapping information, textbook, etc: