Support Faculty Snapshot
Stage 4
Science students have been studying the concept of force and conducted various experiments to demonstrate both contact and non-contact forces. Students also got to experience technology they hadn’t come across before. We explored the transfer of electrons by rubbing different plastic rods on wool and silk and then bending water with them! Students discovered it wasn’t magic, but rather electrostatic force. They also particularly enjoyed the exploration of static electricity through use of the Van Der Graaf generator, giving all a hair-raising experience!
Stage 5
In Stage 5 HSIE and Science students have been showing off their creative side, making Lego models to represent wellbeing, robotics and genetics. Students worked in teams to make models of DNA, robotics vehicles and models comparing positive human wellbeing to disadvantaged life experiences. Students are completing a choice board, exploring their creativity and knowledge of wellbeing. Students can choose preferred activities and drive their own learning through a selection of options to explore different topics. These include: planning a week long menu with a small budget, making posters explaining wellbeing, Lego creations and writing about their knowledge of different aspects of wellbeing.
Stage 6
Stage 6 students are always working hard so it is no surprise that they came up with such great ideas for their recent Work Studies assessment. Students identified a business needed in the local area to support busy working people in the community. As part of this task, they created Instagram posts to promote their business concepts. We are looking forward to Romel’s drive through healthy family meals if and when it opens one day!