The Sport Report

Sydney South West Blues

On Monday the 4th of December, Mr Garland had the pleasure of attending the Sydney South West Blues presentation night. On a night that celebrated the outstanding sporting achievements of students in the region, two Camden High students were congratulated on their sporting successes in 2023.  



Adam received a Sydney Southwest blue for baseball and Georgia received a Sydney Southwest blue for swimming.  


Georgia was also the recipient of Sydney Southwest regional sport president's award. 


Both students have a bright future in their chosen sporting field.  


Congratulations to both students. 

Camden Cup

"The inaugural Camden Cup is coming. In week 10 this term, during students allocated sports time, Students will compete for the Camden Cup. Students will be able to select their own teams in their own year group to compete against one another.  


Students in Year 7 and 8 will compete in the morning time slot 9 -11 am and students in years 9 and 10 will compete from 11:30 -1:30 pm.  


Students will need to create their own teams with 5 boys and 5 girls or at least 3 and 7 of each gender.  


Students will compete across 4 different sports during this time.  


Sports will include Soccer, Oztag, Netball, Basketball and Volleyball.  


Students will also be able to purchase a sausage sizzle and cold drink during normal recess time.  


Any further questions please see Mr Garland or the Sport leadership students throughout week 9! 


Best of luck to all students involved!" 










Macarthur Zone

Congratulations to all our wonderful sporting achievements in 2023 at the Macarthur zone level. The below list is students who represented at the Macarthur zone level or won a zone blue for outstanding achievement in their sporting domain: 


Macarthur zone representative: 

Adam Bates- Baseball SSA 

Taylah Jones- Hockey NSW All Schools 

Blake Chipperfield- Baseball SSW 

Flynn Eagles- SSW AFL  

Georgia Zannino- SSW waterpolo 

Rocco Daniels- SSW waterpolo 

Jack Lindsell- SSW touch football 

Hunter Nicholson- CHS triathlon relay 

James Held- CHS triathlon relay 

Imogen Upton- CHS Triathlon relay  

Rhys Turkington- SSW Rugby Union  

Adam Hill- Hockey SSW, Shadow CHS 

Ethan Murray- Hockey SSW 

Milla Bruce- SSW Cricket 

Riley Sullivan- SSW Gymnastics 

Sarah Shephard- SSW Gymnastics 

Brendon Beddoes- Lawn Bowls AS 

Lewis Giltrow- Lawn Bowls AS 

Cooper Kolod- Lawn Bowls AS 


Blues Winners:  

Flynn Eagles- AFL 

Jaylah Sullivan- Jnr Athletics (field)  

Mills Bruce- Cricket 

Georgia Zannino- Swimming, water polo 

Jack Lindsell- Touch Football 

Adam Bates- Baseball and Senior Male Athlete of 2023