Level Happenings

Foundation Level Happenings
Foundation students experienced an amazing incursion all about Fairy Tales. They loved immersing themselves in Fairy Tale Land, acting out popular Fairy Tales. A highlight was dressing up and learning about fractured fairy tales and the various problems that can be encountered in a story. We also learned that we can be fantastic actors by dressing up, projecting our voices, and using our body language. Students were very brave and were risk-takers when having a go and participating.
We also had our second visit from our local firefighters. Students discussed their safe meeting place with them and even got to go and see the fire truck! They loved squirting the hose, imagining there was a fire!
Number lines are being explored in numeracy. We are discovering that number lines do not have to start at zero and can start and end at many different points. Our knowledge of ‘one more’ and ‘one ‘less’ is being consolidated and our number lines help us with learning this. We move counters to different starting points and learn the number ‘before’ and ‘after’, to be flexible with numbers.
Learning the ‘floss rule’ in literacy has been facscinating as we are improving our spelling as new rules are learnt. We now know when a word has a short vowel sound and is a short word we double the ending when a word ends in ‘l, s, f, or z’. We learnt to spell words like ‘toss, fizz, hill, and fluff’.
We even had some fun doing the floss dance!
Level 1 and 2 Happenings
We cannot believe we are coming to the end of Term 3! What a term it has been! We are so proud of how far the Level 1 and 2 students have come this year, reflecting on their achievements constantly in class.
This week we had a visit from our Literacy consultant, Misty. Misty modelled a lesson in our classes with the students. It was a great lesson and the students were all so engaged! In Level 1, Misty modeled a lesson around our Mentor Text, Ceremony. It was wonderful to see our students so enthusiastic and engaged, answering questions, and even getting up and doing the different dances.
The Level 2’s Mentor Text for Misty was Market Day. Students were engaged in the lesson and learned about starting and ending a book in the same way.
Book Week last week was a huge success! Thanks to all of those who made it so special for the students by dressing up and visiting the classrooms on Special Friends Day!
Over and out.
Learning the ‘floss rule’ in literacy has been facscinating as we are improving our spelling as new rules are learnt. We now know when a word has a short vowel sound and is a short word we double the ending when a word ends in ‘l, s, f, or z’. We learnt to spell words like ‘toss, fizz, hill, and fluff’.
Level 3 and 4 Happenings
This time last week, we left school and our families to go down for what would be an epic camp at Phillip Island.
Some of the activities we did there were the flying fox, ponding, initiatives course, archery, and the flying fox. We also enjoyed some time at the beach at San Remo. A highlight was our time at the giant maze where we played mini golf, went down a giant slide, went through rooms of illusions and you guessed it, ran through the great maze!
The fun never stopped with a red faces talent show at night as which was hilarious! We also watched the Mighty Ducks which had us all quacking as well as popcorn and hot chocolate to go with it! It was so great to have basketball, ping pong and so many other activities to choose from in our downtime or even just the chance to hang out with friends.
A huge thanks to Mr T, Miss G, Mr Daley, and Ms Bowles for giving us such an awesome camp and for all of their hard work. It was also great to have Mrs Walton join us for her very last camp ever!
We also want to say a massive thank you to some great level 4 parents who came down to share in the fun: Mel, Jo, Cassie, Maria and Russell.
We had such a seriously great time at camp and we are so lucky here at Sandy East to get to do such fun things!
Our recent direct speech writing session in Level 3 and 4 was truly engaging and enlightening. We learned the art of bringing characters to life through their words, making our stories more vivid. Understanding when to use quotation marks and how to punctuate dialogue correctly was a challenge we embraced.
We also discovered the power of dialogue tags to convey emotions and character traits. Sharing our creative conversations was the highlight, as we laughed, empathized, and marvelled at each other's stories. This session not only improved our writing skills but also strengthened our communication and listening abilities. We're excited to apply what we've learned in our future writing endeavours, making our narratives dynamic and engaging.
Level 5 and 6 Happenings
Last week, Level 5 and 6 enjoyed the Book Week celebrations. Here are a few photos of the fun! Level 5 have commenced their OzHarvest program ‘FEAST’. There’s plenty happening and lots to look forward to. Stay tuned!
Level 6 are busy preparing for Market Day. Please see below the listed stalls for Market Day.
Visual Arts In the Visual Arts classroom, we have been embracing the overarching theme of love where you live.
This can be anything close to home or wider Melbourne and Victoria.
Jac 2A
The Foundations, 1 and 2’s created watercolour paintings and drawings of areas or objects within their home that are special to them. As well as this they have been honing their skills of observational drawing. With fantastic results.
Lucy 1C
Levels 3 and 4 have been working hard on creating a local Bayside landscape painting using various painting techniques and mixed media methods.
Mila 4A Violet 4C Amelia 4C
Chloe 6B Harper 6A Amir 6A
Great support for the Matildas during our book week parade, with so many showing support and interest in the soccer.
Remember to dress up on Footy Day - Thursday 14 September
Girls Cricket Blast program after school Term 4
During term 4, Cricket Victoria will provide GIRLS at SEPS the opportunity to participate in a FREE Woolworths cricket blast program after school on consecutive Wednesdays from 11th October to 1st November. Each week the sessions will be from 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Sessions will take place on the SEPS oval. Guardians can sign girls up by scanning the attached QR code on the information pamphlet. Please note: A qualified Cricket Victoria coach will run each session, not SEPS teachers. Parents do not need to attend each session but are more than welcome to do so if they want. It is however recommended that if your girl is in F-2, a guardian attends at least the first session. Should you have any further questions please email Kate Foster Via Sandringham.east.ps@education.vic.gov.au