Principal Report

September 7th  2023


Dear Parents, Students, and Friends,   


Reminder – Parent Opinion survey must be completed by September 8th for those who have received a request through the random selection of participants – we need your feedback so please take 20 minutes of your time to help SEPS improve further.


The Countdown is on for Laureen


Seven days to go, plus holidays, as I am still on duty then.  I am trying to visit classes and see what our wonderful students are up to. I am busy tying up loose ends and then sorting my office and Emails in the holidays. I had a surprise visit from the Regional Director Ian Burridge on Monday which was humbling. I am grateful that the Regional staff have been so generous with their lovely accolades. 


Simon Hamilton the Area Manager and the two Senior Education Improvement Leaders Coralee Pratt and Rachel George have overwhelmed me with their gratefulness and appreciation.

 I am looking forward to seeing our community to say farewell at the assembly on Friday and really appreciate the support and good wishes from our amazing community, as well as the communities that I have worked at, mainly Hampton and Sandringham, many of whom I caught up with last Thursday evening. Principal and teaching colleagues really do form a bond which I have been the beneficiary of and am so thankful for their collegiality and friendship.


Please pop by as you are passing and say hello.



  • Congratulations to Jane Briffa – the new Principal of Sandy East. I wish her continued success with our awesome staff, students, and community. Welcome to this extraordinary school. We met on Tuesday to plan staffing requirements for 2024.
  • The library technician (Linda)  is doing a great job in the library. Students enjoy using the cushions as they read their books. Unfortunately, Linda has had an operation so she is recuperating at the moment. I’m sure we’ll see her back soon to sort out the rest of the library needs.
  • Congratulations to Vanessa Lowe who was the successful candidate for the 2024 LOTE position – we are looking forward to all classes next year learning Mandarin – In classrooms with Vanessa.
  • Well done to another ES support staff  -  Leanne who will be with us for term 4 only.

Happenings last week ……Thank you to:

  • Everyone involved in the Book Fair – our staff team did a great job helped by the willing parents in book sales and a great job with the afternoon tea. 
  • Thanks to the teachers and parents for great work with the Book Parade – the student did us proud with some creative costumes and book characters.
  • Congratulations everyone for the big move – decanting classes was a great job with so much movement of furniture and resources. The only thing that didn’t work as planned was the technology move in the admin area. When technicians complete this work the admin office and Principal office will move into the library area.
  • Library borrowing will still be available with teachers borrowing in bulk and students sourcing the classroom libraries for books to borrow from class teachers.
  • A speaker from the Region has been speaking to us on Respectful Relations, particularly being kind to all people and cultures. Unkind words MUST be stamped out in our society starting with our students. 

Thanks so much 

We appreciate that  Justin Witts ( Sunny’s dad) retrieved the balls from the school roof. Our students love playing with these balls again during recess and lunch times.


2024 Enrolments

Thanks so much to the many families who have registered their enrolment already. If you know of friends, family or neighbors please ask them to enrol so we know where we are ready for 2024. 


Urgent to do - Families in levels 1-6 in 2024 please let us know if you will be moving house or moving schools as the Department needs to know our expected enrolments. Email or phone the school 9598 1704 or 


Dad's Footy Match versus Sacred Heart Dads on September 2nd was an exciting match with Sacred Heart pinching the victory by a breathtaking two points. A huge thank you to Wes Fischer for his amazing organization. We appreciate the fun you all had and your commitment to Sandy East. More news next week from Wes.


Assembly & Hunger Busters Term 4

Date/WeekStaff MemberStudent Leaders

Hunger Busters 

Fridays 3.30pm

Week 1

2nd October


Jane Briffa


School Captains:

Eli Andrews Isabelle Rowlands 


5C   Oct 6th 


Week 2

9th October


 3A Claire Parsons

Vice Captains:Hugo Utber Jasmine Ballis


4A  Oct 13th 


Week 3

16th October


Kaye Ralph

Student Council Presidents:

Isaiah SassmanFrankie Williams


4B  Oct 20th 



Week 4

23rd October



3B Sarah Peters

Student Council Reps:

Joseph Desmond Imogen Farrelly 


4C  Oct 27th 


Week 5

30th October


5A Jacqui Perdriau

Media Captains:

McKenzie Welsh Jack Darcy


3A Nov 3rd


Week 6

6th November


6D Amanda Stanford

Media Captains:

Will Kerr

Olivia Fallows


3B Nov 10th


Week 7

13th November


1C Kylie Clarke

Sustainability Captains:

Minnie Ware

Caitlin Stecki


3C Nov 17th 


Week 8

20th November


4A Trudy Gau

Sustainability Captains:

Alex Callaghan

Fiona Holstrom



Nov 24th


Week 9

27th November


 OOA Alex Whittle

Buddy Captains:

Tallulah Parsons

Isabel Adams


6C  Dec 1st 

Week 10

4th December

 6C Michelle Stainforth

Buddy Captains:

Zaaria Mangalorkar

Luke Desmond


6D Dec 8th


Week 11

10th December


6A Kristy Cullen

Digital Captains:

Oscar Hopkins

Rocco Maass


6B  Dec 15th 


Week 12

18th December


Jane Briffa

STEAM Captains:

Lewis Barbarino

Sidh Nair



Principal for a Day

Miss Nocera

On Tuesday the 29th of August, I had the amazing opportunity of being Principal for the day. I spent the majority of my day with Mrs Ralph, where I completed a number of different tasks. We chatted with some students, sorted some admin tasks, organised the next week's planning timetable for staff, took part in the Book Week parade, visited some classrooms, ushered and welcomed special friends to SEPS and met with Mrs Walton a couple of times. It was great to see what the role entails and get an insight into things you don't usually do when you're a classroom teacher. I encourage others to have a go if it is something you are curious about and want to learn more about. 


Ms Fraser

On Thursday 24th August, I was privileged to attend the Bayside Network Principals’ Meeting, as part of my experience as ‘Principal For A Day’. It was insightful to learn what goes on behind the scenes for the leaders of our local schools. I was really nervous, so I sunk deeper into my chair when Kaye decided to make a special mention of me being there (thanks Kaye!)  

The morning started with a discussion about how to effectively manage challenging conversations. We sat in a circle and, people shared their experiences, tips, and reflections on what is most effective for their community context. Many schools rely heavily on building positive relationships with families through communication and events. All these ideas reaffirmed, there are endless approaches but, what is most important is to ensure everything is justified by what is best for our students. The meeting also included NAPLAN data analysis, a presentation by the SEIL on pedagogy & practice. I returned to school at lunch time and spent the afternoon observing a School Improvement Team meeting and, tweaking plans for the moving day and planning week. It was great to gain a new perspective of what happens in the office at SEPS. Thank you to Kaye, Laureen, and Claire for their mentorship on the day. 

Opinion surveys


The Department requires us to complete Opinion surveys for the students, staff and parents. The 2023 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey (PCGOS) is now open for parents, caregivers, and guardians to complete by Friday 8 September

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Results will be communicated to parents/caregivers/guardians through annual reporting processes. 


Working Bees


There’s lots to do to keep our grounds well-maintained and safe. Please put these dates in your diary.

  • Level 1 / 2 October 15th
  • Level 3 / 4 and General school November 26th

Sandringham Lions are planting trees with level 6 students on September 15th – our last day of school this term. Level 6 parents are invited to come along and help from 9.30 am-12.30 pm.


Coming Up at SEPS


Week 98 Sep

Special Community Assembly 2:30 to 3:30 




8 SepChannel 10 Weather Van & Lesson 11:30 - 12:50 Year 1 5B Hunger Busters
Week 1011 SepVirtual MathsYear 5&6   
Week 1012 Sep Fun Day Level 2  
Week 1012 SepDistricts Athletics at Duncan McKinnon Oval     
Week 1014 SepFooty Day - Dress Up in footy colours - Special Lunch - See flyer in Community Notices   
Week 1015 Sep

Farewell to Laureen 

Last Day Term 3

Assembly 2:15pm/ Dismissal 2:30pm



Camps 2023

Level 2

Fun Day at school

Tuesday Sept 12th 


Quote of the week;

“ It is so important to value your beliefs- they are what have guided you in 

 life’s journey. Often we are tempted by other ideas that seem more glamorous

 or hold a promise of greater riches; however when making such life-changing 

decisions take a moment to check your real feelings.”


I hope that you all enjoy a wonderful week.


Kind Regards, 


Laureen Walton 
