Director of Student Wellbeing

 Ms Farron Boxall 

R U OK? Day

Yesterday was R U OK? Day, a national day of action where we are reminded of the profound impact a conversation can have. It's an invitation to connect on a deeper level and to ask the simple yet powerful question, "R U OK?"


This year's message is 'here to hear'. This week our students have engaged in a House Basketball Tournament organised by our Student Leaders as a way of  providing an opportunity for students to get together and check-in with a mate. House Leaders presented in House Assemblies last week to equip students with the practical tools to do this, providing strategies and phrases students can use to check-in with each other and how to respond appropriately. Students and parents are reminded of our Student Support team made up of College Counsellors and Psychologists should your son not be ok and require support. 

Last week Year 11 students completed the Teen Mental Health First Aid course and were awarded their certificates today in their Year Level Assembly. 

Year 10 Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program

On Tuesday Year 10 students attended a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loaded students’ understanding of road safety. Students rotated through six different sessions led by a team of trained facilitators including Tas Police, driving instructors and other community sector specialists. Students completed a journal throughout the day which if signed off by their teacher will contribute to 5 hours added to their Graduated Learner Driver hours. Parents are encouraged to engage in the Post RYDA Dinner-Table Conversation with their son. The Conversation Guide can be found here 


As part of our Student Wellbeing Program Year 10 students are currently completing the Australian Road Safety Foundation’s short course Road Set. This is an interactive online learning experience which focuses on building road safety resilience and providing students with the knowledge of skills and strategies required for whatever situation they may find themselves in when using the road. At the end of the 10 modules students will receive an online certificate acknowledging their completion of the course. 

2024 Student Leadership Applications

Our annual Student Leadership Training Program has taken place over the last fortnight and it was pleasing to see so many students interested in further developing their leadership skills. Applications for 2024 Year 10 and Year 11 House Leadership positions will be available in Student Services next week and close Friday 22nd September. 


These applications will require a parent signature in support of your son’s application as student leaders are required to support many out of hours events. They will also need to be endorsed by the student’s Pastoral Care Teacher. I encourage students to allow enough time for these to be completed by the due date. I wish all students the best of luck with their application and the interview process.