Assistant Principal - Religious Identity & Mission 

Mrs Kim Mooney

Scavenger Hunt 

Sunday 24 September 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm


Have you booked your team yet? 

This term we are fundraising for Catholic Mission. Catholic Mission supports projects in 43 countries, supporting 73,000 children and adults, through projects such as The Deaf and Mute Community Centre in Laos, economic relief in Sri Lanka, emergency water & sanitation in Myanmar, to name but a few.   


The money we raise will go to helping people around the world who are suffering from poverty, terrorism, war and famine.   


St Virgil’s College is hosting a scavenger hunt using an app called TurfHunt. Join us for an afternoon of fun and frivolity as your team earns points for completing challenges throughout the local region. Then join us back at the College for a sausage sizzle to congratulate the winners.   


The cost is $35/team to participate, and this includes a soft drink and sausage on your return. Please use Qkr! to register and pay for your team. So, get your friends and family together and join us to raise money for Catholic Mission whilst having a fun afternoon out.   

Year 9 Service Project 

This term, the Year 9 students have been studying what it means to be a ‘Man of St Virgil’s College’. We have examined the values of St Virgil’s College (Integrity, Community, Learning, Kindness, Justice), listened to and questioned members of the Old Virgilian’s Association to determine how they believe their time at SVC has shaped them as men and looked at social issues within society such as homelessness.  


To round out this unit, we would like to offer an opportunity for our students to put this learning into practice by completing service activities within our community during the coming school holidays. This may be anywhere between 1.5 hours and 3 hours, depending on the organisation’s needs. St Vincent de Paul, the Glenorchy Library and St Bernard’s Church have all offered places for this service project. Students also have the option of choosing their own placement, with prior approval from Mrs Mooney. This is a purely voluntary activity, and those students unable to take up this opportunity will be offered an alternative assessment for this unit.  


We hope that by taking up this opportunity to participate in service in our community, our students are not only able to live out college values but demonstrate leadership and our Mission where we strive to “become people of faith, generosity, excellence and integrity, connected in our desire to serve and care for each other, the marginalised and our environment” by words and deeds.  

Student Masses 

This term our Year 9 and 8 students have attended mass at St Bernard’s Parish, and our Year 7s will walk down to the church next Thursday 21 September. Christian principles learned in the classroom and at home make sense only if they are practiced regularly. Attendance at Mass supports the work done in our religious education program and provides a sense of familiarity and confidence with Mass traditions. Father Suresh presides over these Masses, and they are instructional in their delivery, so that our students know how to respond appropriately, and can be informed and active participants in the Mass.