Around the School

Jump Rope For Heart
Jump Rope For Heart is an incredible fundraiser for heart disease. Annually, Year Five joins in and fundraises for the cause. Not only is it fun, and an incredible experience for the students, it also allows another opportunity for everyone to work together. I would know, because I performed this year.
Most of us began by barely knowing how to skip, but with lots of hard work and dedication by the end of Term Three we could do; one foot backward, criss-cross, double unders, sprinting skipping, skying skipping, side swing cross and even had a choreographed routine. By practicing at both home and school the 54 students involved logged their skipping practice on a dedicated website achieving 120 hours skipping! We were all so determined; I’ll tell you that.
There were five to six students in each group, who worked together in creating their own unique routine. If I’m being honest I was not very confident in our routine, I don’t think anyone was, but we all performed awesomely. We all made a few hiccups but that just made it funner. Plus, overall we raised $4,190!!! And, all of it went to everyone with heart conditions.
So, in summary, we all had fun and improved our teamwork and skipping skills, whilst raising money for a great cause.(I can’t wait to see what the next Year Fives will come up with!)
By Oliver Knight.