Secondary School

Message from the Head of Secondary
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have our outgoing school captains hand the baton of leadership to our incoming Captains, Ella and Isabelle and vice captains, Lucas and Riley. THis handover was instigated last year at the suggestion of our 2022 leadership group. Hopefully, this is a ritual that can continue to become a tradition at our school. It got me thinking that it is a great time to be part of our school's community as the ideas and opportunities that we suggest or create have the potential to become a tradition that is continuing well into the future of our school.
As such the SRC plays an important role at our school in giving the students a voice. Over the last two years the students on the SRC have worked hard to develop submissions and plans to improve our students. Membership to the SRC is open to any student. They do not have to be elected, just commit to a meeting once a month. If your child feels that they would like to make change to our school, suggest to them that being part of the SRC could make change happen.
Thank you to Jake and Delaney for giving up their time to present, especially with the HSC English examination on the next day.
HCS Examinations
With the first week down of HSC examinations we would like to continue to wish our students well and remind them that their teachers are available and very keen to assist with the studying. We have plenty of great spaces to use to revise at school so come in and utilise their support.
New Year 12 students
It was great to see the new Rugby tops on our Year 11 students who have just moved up to Year 12. One constant over the years is that it doesn't matter how hot it gets on the day they get the tops, they are not taking them off!!
And finally I was also lucky enough to see a video of a student imitating my opening assembly speech of the term around how much work we need to get done even though we are in term 4. Whilst I think the student could work on her acting skills😀, I was very pleased to see that the importance of term 4 and the work output that is required definitely got through!
Greg Cadd
Head of Secondary
Moulin Rouge Excursion
Students in Creative Arts from Years 8-12 had a great day in Melbourne visiting a series of galleries before experiencing the spectacle of Moulin Rouge at the Regent Theatre. With so many pop music references and mashups in the show it was a delight to see the enthusiasm and excitement on the students faces. Costumes, glitter and confetti, tragedy, comedy, romance, extravagance and colours galore made it a Spectacular Spectacular.
Year 10
Year 10 Science
Students modelling natural selection in their Evolution unit.
Year 11
Kade Steenhuis has been learning about butt welding poly pipe at Connect Irrigation and Ag recently. Kade completed a work placement as part of his VET Primary Industries course. He learned about the extensive planning and implementation required to manage water and waste for various projects including the construction of a massive dairy freestall barn system.
Students complete the two year Primary Industries course during Years 10 and 11 at school. In this time, they achieve their Certificate II in Agriculture and also a study score for HSC Primary Industries which can contribute towards their ATAR in Year 12.